Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


The frigid wind blew and it swept Oikawa's light-brown locks in a manner much worse than that of someone's bedhead. Little giggles erupted from Iwaizumi. He tried to bite it down, but couldn't.

Whispers lay beneath the breeze, as if speaking to him in forgotten languages.

Oikawa whirled his head and faced his best friend. He was supposed to be annoyed that Iwaizumi took delight in what had happened, but his smile betrayed him as it threatened to show.

They were on a cliff side. It offered the best view of the lush green forest approximately a thousand feet from where they were. The wind was howling wild, but neither Oikawa nor Iwaizumi got bothered by its chilly breeze.

It felt like they were on the edge of the world. Their legs dangled freely on the edge. One wrong move could mean their last breath. The fall would be lethal, with little to no chances of survival.

It was like digging their own graves, but they didn't care. Not a single hint of fear coursed through their veins. All that mattered to them was that they were happy. Their bliss unparalleled.

There were a lot of things going on in their lives. There were a lot of uncertainties. Some came from things they have yet to deal with, but most of it because of the fear of the unknown. But sometimes it also felt like it was both.

But, they didn't care.

In the midst of it all, having each other was enough. More than enough.

They could stay there forever, and never look back. They could leave everything behind. To Iwaizumi, Oikawa was more than enough. To Oikawa, Iwaizumi was more than enough.

More than enough.

A soft gasp escaped from Oikawa's lips. His gaze raked on the back of his palm when he felt something land on it. His eyes shot wide. A Hercules beetle groveled until it reached his wrist. Oikawa wanted to wrung it off, but he got this feeling that it would put up a fight to remain attached.

His eyes stung and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Oikawa slowly lifted his head only to find out that Iwaizumi was also staring. His heart skipped a beat.

He wanted to open his mouth. He wanted to say he was scared. He wanted to snap and tell him to get it off. But Iwaizumi's expression softened, it was as if saying "I know."

The critter made its way up and stopped on his forearm. Oikawa barely quelled the urge to scream. His eyes now welled up with tears, speaking to Iwaizumi in unspoken words. Hurry! Get it off, was what he wanted to say.

Oikawa was more than relieved when Iwaizumi trapped it in his fist in a heartbeat. He felt the critter shimmy inside. He could feel its sharp edges poking against his palm.

Without any hesitations he threw it far beyond the edge. He could only hope that it had managed to fly, despite the strong wind that might oppose it. No matter his penchant for bugs, he didn't want them near Oikawa now that he found out he was scared of them.

"Thanks, Iwa-chan." Oikawa flung his arms around Iwaizumi, the latter flustered for a while but then hugged him just the same.

"It's just a beetle." He smiled, though Oikawa couldn't see it.

The raven-haired broke free from their hug, tugging at the sides of Oikawa's face without his smile having to falter.

"You saved me." Oikawa mustered, like taking a bug off him was a matter of life and death. He spoke like he would forever be indebted to Iwaizumi for what he did.

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