Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Iwaizumi had been staring at himself at the mirror for the past thirty minutes. He began pacing hastily, half-running in circles, and no matter what he did he would always find himself staring back at the looking glass.

He had never been conscious about how he looked. Iwaizumi was not one to care about what others might think of him – of how he dressed, how he flaunted his apparels, and of how he strutted them. Not once did he think that he would find himself in a situation like this. And that was enough to frustrate him.

Kuroo informed him rather late that the party would be too formal, and that got his mind in scrambles which later turned out to where he was in right now. Iwaizumi wore the sharpest suit-and-tie he had ever seen in his life. He matched it with a crimson red long-sleeve and a metallic gray vest that when worn together, would make quite an impression.

He was sure about it, and was on the verge of convincing himself that "dashing," "alluring," and "ravishing" would be words fit to describe him. But an inner voice kept saying that he didn't look good enough, that he could do better than what he'd pulled off.

Was it really enough? Did he really look good enough? Those were questions that had been bugging his mind for quite a while now. Questions that when viewed at the negative side of the spectrum, would make someone think that Iwaizumi was the vainest person in existence. They were exasperating, but the most bothersome of them all was: What would he think about this?

He kept on denying that he actually asked that to himself. Every time he looked through the looking glass in his room, all he'd picture out was what Oikawa's reaction the moment he sees him. It was irksome to even think of his "would be" response. Since when did he even care?

When he saw the sky melt into a smear of tangerine, Iwaizumi sat on the edge of his bed and ran a hand down his face in sheer frustration. He was about to tousle his perfectly coiffed jet-black hair, but willed himself not to when he felt its stiffness due to the wax he'd applied.

Tired of his thoughts and tired of himself, he just sat there, aimlessly gazing at his room that he already memorized by heart – from the tiny specks of dust that rounded every corner, to the silk-woven spider webs that hung in the ceiling.

He was starting to grow impatient. Iwaizumi could've offered Oikawa and Kuroo a lift, but the pompous and conceited Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa's best friend, won them over. And now he was helpless as he waited for them to arrive.

His name was more than enough to make every muscle in Iwaizumi's body feather. Just thinking of him made him feel like punching the drape-covered walls, and he wouldn't stop until his hands could bleed no more.

The fact that Oikawa was ignoring Iwaizumi in favor of Ushijima felt like a downright insult to his ego. Oikawa was a douche, had been acting like a douche. He didn't know what happened, but everything Iwaizumi had with him seemed to be ... falling apart.

His last encounter with him was two days ago, at the library, when everything felt right from the moment he woke up in his bed, only to find out that Oikawa suddenly had a cold treatment in store for him.

No one knew how Iwaizumi's fingers ached whenever he would type him a message and was about to hit the send button, but then end up deleting the whole of it because he would think it was a bad idea.

He lost count of the curses he uttered and the clench fists he made when he hated himself for lacking the courage to go to his house and talk to him. Oikawa was annoying – it was a given – but Iwaizumi hadn't realized that he was the kind of annoying that he'd miss whenever he wasn't around.

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