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No medication can stop death entirely,

It is inevitable and planned precisely,

I wouldn’t want to live forever,

I’m not sure if I want the time I have now.

The world I live in is being destroyed,

By its predecessors and soldiers they have deployed,

Inflicted by the everlasting darkness in life,

Eternally waiting for someone to shine a light.

Negativity is transferred into this conflicted vessel,

Suffering from terminal pessimism brought upon by the devil,

When I fall the floor does not support me,

My body slams against it and crumbles beneath my feet.

I was a falling star, who was already dead,

"You should go kill yourself," she said,

I wonder if she felt better about herself,

My "best friend" put me through an unbearable hell.

Some days are magical and I believe that I can conquer the world,

Then other days I am forced to wait and hope that it will return,

Everyone seems to be happy without my presence,

I too would be happier if I did not show up for attendance.

This society has neglected my silent screams,

I can be repelled by ignorant vaccines,

I am the pessimism that brings people down,

I'm sorry for the sadness I spread around.

We start dying the second we start living,

I wish there was an easier way to stop existing,

Would anyone miss or remember me at all?

Or am I a tiny fragment in their minds waiting to dissolve?

Life is a game I am naturally bad at,

Bad habits and decisions I simply attract,

The end wants to have a word with me,

I've seen him too many times waiting for death's sweet release.


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