Bitter Cold

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The bitter cold of winter eats away at my skin,

My teeth chatter every time there is a gust of wind,

My hands are stained red from frostbite,

Until the fire inside of me ignites.

Everything I touch becomes a frozen statue,

The frigid bodies hold their glare as I walk along this avenue,

It is perpetual winter on the streets of my heart,

The frozen structures are falling apart,

The temperature keeps dropping and I have no warm place to stay,

I sleep on the streets, forced to live another terrible day.

The snowflakes gracefully fall from the sky,

Warmth was no longer available as it said its last goodbye,

I am so cold I can see my breath,

But I am nowhere close to freezing to death.

The sun only appears when I have company,

But deep inside I am still cold and lonely,

The moon knows me all too well,

It is the only one that comforts me during my crying spells.

I have adapted to the frigid cold weather,

I have accepted that it will be forever December,

Though I still want to believe that someone will save me,

They will bring back the sun and increase the heat.

I am walking on a thin layer of ice,

Looking for danger is my worst vice,

The glacial surface cracks beneath my feet,

As I plunge into the arctic depths underneath.

Darkness consumes my body and soul,

I am always under its harsh control,

The cold still nips at my roughed skin,

I have lost the war and I will never win.

My heart is a frozen city nobody should dare to venture in,

The mountains you have to climb aren't worth it,

I am alone here in my chilly city,

Drinking a bottle of whiskey that's making me dizzy.

I have icicles on the end of my eyelashes,

My mind is showing me the clips of my life in flashes,

Death please welcome me into your arms,

I am afraid I have done too much irreversible harm.


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