Poisoned Love

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You were like a venomous snake,

Hiding in the bushes waiting to catch his prey,

I was a harmless human that stepped into your domain,

And now you keep me prisoner in these chains.

You sweet talked me into every one of your lies,

Manipulation is your weapon of choice that will lead to my demise,

You don’t miss me when I’m away,

For you it’s always a fantastic day.

My heart has been murdered plenty of times,

By your words that have brought endless amount of tears to my eyes,

I thirst for even a single ounce of happiness,

It could vaporize the darkness residing in my heart.

As poisonous as your venom is I find myself still in love with you,

You doubt my abilities and make me weaker too,

Sometimes I want to cut my heart out of my chest,

Because I’d rather feel nothing than being depressed.

Baby you fucked up my mind big time,

I know deep down that you’ll never apologize for your crimes,

I don’t think I deserve better than I have it,

But I cannot stand being away from his sweet lips.

You sunk your teeth into my flesh,

The poisoned venom you transferred will be my cause of death,

Sweetheart why would we fight for people we don’t care about?

I’m simply a piece of trash you’ll eventually throw out.


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