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The heart is the power station of the body,

It is known to suffer from severe agony,

It is the electronic transmissions that keep me alive,

Without this organ it would be impossible to survive.

The liver breaks down the toxins we ingest,

The faster I drink the bottle of Crown Royal the slower it processes,

Certain drugs cause dysfunctions and damage,

I will accept that as a challenge.

These lungs supply me with breathable oxygen,

I would lose consciousness by breathing pure nitrogen,

We can manage without one but cannot live without both,

Cigarettes cause cancer and that’s the truth.

Yellow eyes and high blood pressure,

Is the result of kidney failure,

Unable to clear waste products from our systems,

Our blood would be infected with toxins making us lifeless victims.

The brain controls everything we do,

It reminds us to breathe and tells our heart to beat,

The mind is capable of driving us insane,

Sometimes it causes people to take their lives away.

Death is inevitable without these vital structures,

A torn aorta has caused my heart to rupture,

I’m bleeding out faster than the ambulance is driving,

The paramedics keep saying that I’m dying.


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