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"Hey, Minghao!" Mingyu calls, waving at the other. Minghao waves back, smiling. "Minghao, this is Wonwoo," the male next to Mingyu smiles and waves. "Wonwoo, this is Minghao."

After shaking hands and such, Mingyu leads the other two to a café nearby. He orders a bingsu and an iced coffee, Wonwoo orders an iced americano, and Minghao (with the help of Mingyu) orders an iced caramel macchiato. The three sit down at a table until their order is ready. When it is, Wonwoo offers to grab it.

"You look tensed," Mingyu starts in Mandarin. "You okay?"

"It's nothing," Minghao smiles. "I'm fine, really." Wonwoo returns with everyone's orders and sets it down.

"So what do you like to do?" Wonwoo asks, and Minghao doesn't know how to respond.

He tries his best, trying to not mess up his pronunciation. "I.. I like to dance."

"Oh really? Cool!" Wonwoo says, taking a sip of his drink. Mingyu laughs as he proudly eats the bingsu and watched as Minghao get flustered. "What? What's funny?" Wonwoo asks, pinching his friend's cheek.

Mingyu swats his hand and Wonwoo backs off with a smile. After a while of talking (mostly Mingyu and Wonwoo), Wonwoo's phone rings and says he has to leave for a family emergency. He says bye to the two as he walks out.

"Are you really okay, Minghao?" Minghao nods and Mingyu reaches over the table to feel his cheeks. "You're really warm. Do you want to move outside?" Minghao shakes his head and it causes the taller to frown.

"It's nothing. I just feel out of place because I can't understand the conversations or take part of it."

"This may sound weird, but what if I read to you every night?" Minghao furrows his eyebrows in confusion and Mingyu takes a sip of his coffee. "It can help,"

"Every night?"

"Yeah, just before you fall asleep. I can sneak back out; I'll be very quiet." Mingyu takes a spoon full of the shaved ice and shoves it into his mouth. He stares at Minghao with an eyebrow raised. "How bout it?"

"O-Okay." Mingyu smiles and picks up the untouched spoon. He scoops up some of the shaved ice for Minghao and offers to feed him. "Wait-" and Mingyu just shoves it into his mouth.

fyi mingyu and minghao speak mandarin when they talk k thx
also no one ever answers kik anymore and do u know much more miserable and sad that makes me??? like its already bad enough i feel like my favorite people in the world don't even care about me, that i can only hang out with like 2 actual friends at school, and i'm already feeling quite shitty because i'm jealous. i really just want to take a long break from reality because i'm seriously tired of being miserable and depressed.

hello!!! hi!!! bio finals are SUDDENLY ALREADY FUCKING HE. RE and so i made this shit survey with my darn group!! i only need 20 resutls but the mORE THE MERRIER BITCH


appreciate it!! lov u guys!!

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