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Minghao's been having mixed feelings about Mingyu lately. Or, more, he's like in denial. He'd talk it out if he could, but his mom was always gone and he wouldn't dare tell his father he thinks he likes a guy. All Minghao had was his friend back in China, Wen Junhui. He hasn't talked to him every since he moved so he doesn't how the elder will react. But speak of the devil, his phone goes off and its Wen Junhui himself.

"Hi, I felt you were distressed." Junhui chuckles and Minghao laughs as well.

Minghao sighs before throwing himself back on his bed, he thinks for a minute before replying.

"I think I'm gay."

"Why I think?"

"Well, there's this guy. His name is Mingyu. He... He offered to teach me Korean by reading to me. So he'd come over read, and then climb out my window."

"Couldn't he have done that over the phone?"

"He's a little dumb, cut him some slack." Minghao giggles. "But when I'm with him it's weird. Other than the fact that I'm new to this country and always get nervous, my heart races when I do the smallest thing with him. Like yesterday we were on the bus because he wanted to take me somewhere and he spotted a friend. He literally leaned over me to wave at him and I felt like I was gonna die."

"You sure you just weren't hot?"

"Yes," there's a little sense of nervousness when he talks. It sets Junhui off a little, knowing there's something Minghao isn't spilling.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?"

Minghao bites his lower lip and sighs.
"He's kissed me."

"I- What? So there's a possible chance he likes you too?"

"Yeah, but I feel like there's something going on with him and his friend Wonwoo. They could be just best friends, but-"


"Junhui, I know!"

"Talk to him about it!"

"What am I supposed to say?!" Junhui's quiet for a while and Minghao sighs. "See, you don't even know. I think it's a little too early to catch feelings anyways."

"How long?"

"Almost two months,"

"Yeah, you should wait that out. I gotta go, though. MingMing's here,"

"Aw, I miss MingMing.. Tell him I said hi!"

"Okay, gotta go. Love ya, have fun with your boyfriend!"

Junhui hangs up and Minghao rolls his eyes. He pulls the covers over him and desk to face his desk. He let's a loud sigh before shutting his eyes.

woOPDIDOO im sorry for not updating n this chapter is shit gtg

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