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Minghao stares at the two in front of him before adverting his gaze back to his boyfriend. After a second later, he starts to laugh. "Mingyu, just blink!"

"No! They challenged me and now I want them to regret it." Minghao rolls his eyes and reaches over to grab a pizza from the box placed on the table. With the three in this weird situation, Minghao starts to flip through channels on the TV. He gives up when he realizes there's nothing to watch.

Chewing on his pizza, he leans over to look at Mingyu. The latter's eyes were red and at the brink of tears. He looks over and Seungcheol was the same. Jeonghan was perfectly fine though; he must have cheated when no one was looking. Minghao snickers and leans back, resting his head on Mingyu's shoulder.

"Come on, Gyu. You're gonna have to blink sooner or later," he whines, nudging at the older's side. "And it's our last day here. I wanna do something fun."

Mingyu sighs and blinks, Seungcheol quickly blinking and Jeonghan throwing himself back on the bed. "This is your fault," Mingyu mumbles, pressing his lips against Minghao's temple.

The Chinese male just smiles.


For their last night in the area, Minghao doesn't have much to plan. Neither do their "hosts" MingMing and Junhui. So they all kind of just say in Minghao's and Mingyu's hotel room. It really isn't much, and they all don't want to go out at all. Luckily, MingMing has brought over some board games.

So they're all sitting on the floor of Minghao's hotel bathroom playing monoply. And it's going terribly.

Minghao was lucky enough he was doing fine, Mingyu's near bankrupt, Jeonghan is somehow in the lead and cheating (he probably took Mingyu's money), Seungcheol already lost everything, MingMing always ends up in jail, and Junhui has literally no idea of what's going on.

Really, it's a mess.

"Wait," Seungcheol starts, "why are we in the bathroom?"

"It's closer to the toilet." Mingyu shrugs.

"Some way to end a Friday night," MingMing mumbles, throwing the dice. He rolls a three and screams in frustration as Minghao moves his piece for him, putting him in jail once more. "WHY DID I BRING THIS STUPID GAME."

Minghao chuckles lightly, leaning his head on Mingyu's shoulder. The Korean smiles down at him, placing a kiss on his nose. "I love you," he whispers, grabbing his hand.

Minghao smiles back, "I Love you, too."

i have no idea what i'm doing i want to die olease kill em

no im not putting off the smut wtf

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