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It's been almost a week since the kiss and Minghao hasn't talked to Mingyu and vise versa. The latter hasn't even looked at him. It kills Mingyu inside but he just wants to wait until things play out.

During study hall, Minghao can't concentrate and finds himself looking over to Mingyu. All Minghao can see is his back and beautiful tanned neck. He bites his lip and tries to go back to studying. But he still can't. He let's out a deep sigh just as his phone vibrates. As he checks it, Mingyu stands and walks out.

Bathroom. - Kim Mingyu

Minghao slips his phone back into his pocket and follows the other's actions.

"Mingyu?" he calls, as he walks into the bathroom. He gets pulled into a stall and the door locks and closes. All Minghao can see is the same back from before.

"I'm sorry," Mingyu mumbles, not turning around. "I ran out that day when I should've stayed and talked. I know it's weird that I kissed you, but Minghao, I didn't think and I don't want things to be-"

Minghao turns the taller around, "Mingyu, it's okay. I've done something like that before, so I know how it feels. All you need is some time to collect your feelings."

"So, we can still be friends?"

Minghao laughs and nods, "Yes,"

"I don't need to fake my death, move to Busan, change my name and work as a loner fisherman?"

"No. You just need some time, and until you know, I'm fine with us just being friends. I know I've only known you for a month, you're the only friend I have here."

Mingyu turns around again, "I really just want to apologize though. I felt like it was in the heat of the moment and I really needed to get it off my chest."

"Mingyu, it's fine really. Let's get back to class." Mingyu nods and unlocks the stall. They both walk out and return to class.

do u guys like my new covers lol

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