He Stopped Loving Her Today (Mini Ladd)

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Brian's POV

Craig used to be madly in love with a girl named (y/n). They met at PAX one day and he claimed it was love at first sight. I couldn't blame him though; she was gorgeous. After that day, they moved to L.A together. They were inseparable. That was until Craig started focusing on YouTube more than her. Then, she left him and his heart was shattered.


I went over to Craig's house to hang out with him and (y/n). I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it.

"I'll get it!" I heard (y/n) yell to Craig.

The door opened and revealed a lazily dressed (y/n).

"Hey (y/n)." I said.

(Y/n) looked at me and then back down at the way she was dressed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?!" She yelled and playfully slapped my arm. "I would've dressed more presentable."

"I told Craig." I defended myself. "He didn't tell you?"

She looked down and sighed.

"I haven't seen Craig in a while now. He's forever in his recording room. The only time I get to see him is when he's asleep if he even comes out of his room to sleep."

"Oh." I said.

She walked away from the door, allowing me to walk in. I closed the door behind me and sat on the couch.

"Craig!" (Y/n) shouted through the house.

"I'm recording!" Craig shouted back.

"Brian's here!"

"I'll be right down!" He yelled.

I heard (y/n) let out a sigh. Soon, Craig descended down the stairs and into the living room.

"Hey, Brian." He said once he saw me.

"Hey, Craig." I responded.

I watched as (y/n) walked out of the room with tears in her eyes. Craig noticed too but turned his attention back to me.

"Craig, I think you need to go check on (y/n). She seems pretty upset." I said.

He looked towards their bedroom and nodded his head. He walked off. I sat on the couch. There was silence throughout the house. Then, I could hear them arguing.

"You never pay attention to me!" (Y/n) yelled.

"I do pay attention to you when I have the chance!" Craig yelled back.

"Which is never, Craig! Whenever I want to talk to you it's always 'I'm recording', 'I'm editing', or 'I'm uploading a video'. You never have time for me, only YouTube!"

"YouTube is my job (y/n)! That's how I make money!"

"I know that, Craig!" (Y/n)'s yelling quietened down into a sob. "I also know that if you loved me, you would find time for me."

The bedroom door opened and out walked a sobbing (y/n). Craig was close behind her. She walked to the door and opened it to leave.

Play the song

He said, "I'll love you 'til I die."
She told him, "You'll forget in time."

"I'll love you until I die." Craig said.

"You'll forget me in time." (Y/n) said. "Goodbye, Craig."

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