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Brown- the person is on edge or nervous and tense

"Listen Kyle don't be so nervous." I sighed, resting my head on my hand.

Somehow I had been assigned to tutor him. It's it ironic. Most of the time it's the other way around. But when you're a quote on quote punk with a 4.0 GPA, it's tough.

"Sorry." He sighed, pulling his sleeves over his hands.

"Why even are you so nervous?" I laughed, absentmindedly running a finger over the piercing on my eyebrow.

"You're intimidating." He answered, looking down to paper.

"How is that?" I laughed, watching as he squirmed in his seat.

"Look at you. Your piercings, your hair, just your whole being is intimidating. I mean look at this." He laughed, pointing to himself.
On his thumb was the skinny mood ring, a brown color on the band. I wondered what brown means.

"Don't be intimidated. I'm not scary."
"Alright." He said, giving me the smallest of smiles.

I grinned, and then proceeded to help him solve linear regression.

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