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White- this person may be frustrated or extremely upset.

"Dan you fucking that Simmons guy?" Ralph
laughed from across the lunch table.

"No." I laughed, my palms beginning to sweat.

I had told Ralph that I had lost my v-card one night at a party. When in reality, the girl has passed out way before anything happened. Thinking back, I'm glad she had way too many drinks. Otherwise I would have had sex with some slimy college girl looking for a hookup.

After that sex just didn't seem necessary. Everyone says it's wonderful and magical, but I don't really get it.

But Ralph and the rest of the school didn't have to know of my virginity, and I never planned on telling anybody.

"I bet you he would be a bad fuck. Too skinny. Not much there if you know what I mean." Ralph winked, looking at the lunch table where Kyle and a few others sat.

It hurt me to look over at the table where he sat. You could tell it was where people sat when they had nowhere else. Everybody at the table weren't talking, pushing around their food.

It took all my strength not to get up and sit with him, but Ralph would get suspicious. It's really fucked up. But I didn't make the system.

"What?" I mumbled, lost in my own thoughts.

"I asked if you and him have some sort of connection." He smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not fucking blind Dan. You're staring." Ralph laughed, shoving mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"I am not." I laughed, taking off my beanie and shoving it into my backpack.

"I saw you with him. In the coffee shop, it looked like you were reading."

I could feel myself shutting down, not ready to share my friendship with anyone.

"Look Ralph I'm tutoring him. He's not too bad for a nerd. How are you and Katie?" I asked him, changing the topic.

Immediately his eyes lit up, a laugh coming from his lips.

"We broke up. I'm not sad though, me and Devon have been hooking up for the last couple of months. So maybe I'll make my side hoe, my main hoe. Then I can get a new fuck buddy." Ralph laughed, making the dick sucking motion with his hands on his spoon.

Everybody knew that Ralph would just about fuck anybody. Both girls and guys, he had no preference.

"Oh my gosh. Devon is pretty hot man." I smiled, but all my attention was on the sweater wearing kid at the end of the lunch table.

He waved to me, his face lighting up as we locked eyes. Instead of waving back I gave him a half grin, careful to not let Ralph notice.

And like that his smile fell, and he stood up to leave.

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