Prologue- Lynn

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A/N: Hello, when I first wrote this story, two years ago, I was not experienced at all on how to write a story. I had no idea what I was doing, I'm sure that showed on this story. I was trying to read this story recently and I almost gagged. It is horrible. When I first started writing this I was not committed and decided to screw it, I will try to change that and give a better ending. I am not as experienced in writing as I liked but this story is just bad I really want to edit it. I will make many mistakes and countless of errors but I will try my best to improve my writing. Will I come back two year later and make more adjustments? Probably. Will I think is trash two more years in the future? Most likely. However, I will try my best to my knowledge right now to make it better.

~Yours Truly~


Lynn; what comes to your mind when you hear that name? Perhaps you think of a beautiful young girl, smart, graceful, maybe even a little bit courageous. Maybe you thought of the sound of water rushing, falling, down a waterfall as it rolled of your tongue, or the smell of her strawberry scented shampoo that filled the room when she made her entrance. Full of beauty, grace, and elegance.

    Obviously, I was neither of those things.

    I was not graceful, in fact, I may be one the clumsiest person I know. I was not courageous and I liked to think of myself as more of an average individual, not in a bad way of course, I loved myself.

    To the people who knew me I was more a free spirit, happy, upbeat type of person. My friends thought of me as the crazy, short friend. Most of the people that didn't know me, would think that I haven't faced an ounce of sadness in my life. They were so far from the truth, it pained me to see how fast the would make an assumption from my looks.

    But that was the way of society, and there's nothing I can do about that.   

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