I will fight for you!

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***Amdrew's POV***

So I figured that It will be romantic to get her back at the place we first met, so I asked the manager of Starbucks to let me borrow the place for the night and he let me! I also told Alex to go talk to Lynn so hopefully that works out .
For right now i am heading to Starbucks to start decorating for the getting back together date.


I was standing over the table because I was trying ti explain something to Alec but ad I am talking to him I feel a hot liquid being splashed on top of me. 

"I-I'm sorry" I hear somebody, a girl, say to me, she sounded kind of nervous but she was gorgeous. "It's OK" I say back congratulating myself for saying that without a struggle. "No, I can make it up to you, do you want me to buy you a coffee?" She offered me something that was very hard to deny but, inside me:Yes, outside me: "No, really Its OK, its my fault I go in your way." Wow, OK so that was lame first of all why did I reject her? and second of all I didn't get in her way because I was standing there a long time ago butttttttt I SHOULD be sitting down sooo. "No, I just didn't realize you were standing there. It's my fault" So right now I was thinking of something to get the chance to talk to her more, "OK, how about I go and order us both a drink and we start all over again?" I really hope she says yes "I'd love to but-" Then it hit me of course she had a boyfriend, "Oh I'm sorry I should've realize you have a boyfriend! I feel so stupid, Of course a pretty girl like you has a boyfriend" I talked so fast  didn't realize I called her pretty but she just looked at me in complete awe and laughed, "what's so funny?" I ask her I mean aside that I made a complete fool of myself "Me?Boyfriend?" She says after she finished laughing "Ya" I say kinda making it obvious sounding and kinda feeling sorry for myself, "Listen, I'm single that's not the problem, its just I came with my friend but I can give you my number and you can call me later." we trade phones I think she might give me a fake number but I gave her my REAL one so If one day I text her and she text me back I will know she lied. When i get my phone back I see that Alex left so  I look at her "See ya" then leave.

**Flashback over***

Gosh How I wish I could turn back time to that day, to never cheat on her. But since you can't fix the past better change you present so I will get her back, even if its the last thing I do. I start to clean the floor to get this place reaady

***Lynn POV*** 

Alex came over trying to convince me to go over at Statbucks but i knew it had to with Andrew so i decline "come on, please he is trying to make it up to you." he triwd... he TRIED. "Why did he had to ruin in the first place?" I ask "Well he didn't kiss her... She kissed him!" I stand up from the couch "SERIOUSLY THAT IS ITHE BEST YOU HAVE!" I mean that is the most stupid thing he could have avoided that I guess all guys are just meant to be the same. "Who is that girl anyway?" I ask i mean if i ever get to meet her I don't know if by that time I'll thank her for getting him out of my life or break her face for making us fight.
"She is an old friend of his."
"Did they have a relationship  or something?"
"No, she was always interested in him but he only liked her as a friend." this is making feel bad a little bit but i am not giving this easy. But maybe I should go. "Do you think I should go over to where Andrew wants me to go?" I look at him asking for a help me answer.
"Lynn, he likes you as I never seen him like a girl before. And I can tell he really likes you." I look down and nod my head saying that i agree to go. "Well enough with the sorry faces the thing is tomorrow so we should get something to eat." I laugh shaking my head and we head out

heyy guyss so i know i suck at updating buttt now i will start updating on saturadys and sundays sooo ya enjoyyy

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