Chapter Seven: What Happened??

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I hear the beep, letting me know that the person on the other line had hung up on me. That other person on the other line being Lynn. 

Fuck, I had never hated myself more. I didn't even know what she was mad for, I knew it was something I did. That was for sure. 

Hearing the pain and madness in her voice tore me apart. The fact that I made her feel that way... It was like a thousand sharp shards of glass was cutting through my heart. 

This woman; this amazing woman that had walked into my life by pure fate, she was the sunshine in my life that I never knew I needed until I finally met her. When, I'm with her, its like the rest of the world wasn't even there. The smell of her hair it was my favorite scent. Her hug, when her small arms wrapped around me. That was the part, feeling her hold me, letting me get close to her as we pull each other close. A hug, such a friendly action but so intimate. She rested her head in my chest, with her ear pressed to heart, hearing the zen yet loud melody it made for her and only her. 

Knowing that I caused pain in her smile, that I made her forest green eyes tear up, teared me up. It was my fault and never in my life had I felt more guilty. 

As tears stream down my face, I pick up my phone and call Alex. 

"Hey, man." He calls from the other line, as I try to speak the only sound that falls from my lips is a shaky breath, followed by a heartfelt sob. "Don't worry. Coming over with beers."

*** LYNN'S POV***

My head felt like I had getting shot 50 times. I couldn't remember what I had done last night. Some foggy and blurry memories were trying to clear up in my head, but nothing. 

The only thing that was fresh on my mind was the break up. 

Note to self- Dont drink after a break up, not only will your heart hurt like a bitch but so will your heart. 

I hated myself. I remember there was guy, but I'm not sure what happened. I'm thinking nothing because there is no trace of anybody here and my underwear is still intact. 

I get up slowly, trying not to worsen the head ache, I look over to my nightstand to find a hand written note. Oh Lord. 

Hey, you were passed out last night. Almost went home w/ a guy. Nothing happen. Here's Advil for the head ache. Text me when you wake up <3

~ Roxana 

Okay, it wasn't from a guy so that's good. Didn't sleep with anybody else, that's good too. All good news for now. 

I take the Advil and go back to bed, maybe I'll feel better later. 

A/n -Hey guys !!! Back at it again. Sorry it took me so long to edit:/ after this chapter I may alter some things to make it longer and better, I feel the general story is a little dry. 

Alssooo sorry for not updating for a long time . High Schools a bitch and I always have 2+ hours of homework EVERY DAY! I know my school sucks ass. I will try my best thooo <3 thank you for all the love. 



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