Chapter Three: Casual.

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"Why is life so complicated?" I ask myself out loud, throwing myself on the bed. After looking in my closet for 20 minutes straight, I still can't find anything to wear. It seemed impossible. I didn't know what type of guy he was, I'm just assuming that he likes something casual and we'll go there and I won't be underdressed.

    I get up from my bed, and look at my closet once more. Still nothing. I don't what I'm waiting for, some random outfit to just pop in the middle of this mess with wings and halo. This wasn't going to work, I need to call Kacey.

    "Hey, girl!" She says from the other line, as soon as she picks up the phone. "What's up?"

   "Hi," I say, taking in a deep sigh, "I have a fashion problem..." I say, and tell her the whole story about looking casual and stuff. Kacey said she'll be here in 20.

    I consider myself lucky, seeing as though she doesn't have work today. Kacey was like the soccer mom of our group. She was smart, independent, the most organized out of all of us. She is also the only one that has a stable, well-paying job. Unlike me.

     After a long car ride, after Kacey arrived, we're finally at the mall, trying to find something casual.

    "So where is this fell taking us?" She ask, after a long silence, she gets her answer, "So where are we taking this fella?"

     Once again, I stay silence. She looks at me, and I shrug. "How do you not know where your taking him?"

   "Well, I do know..." I say, lying to myself. I had no clue where I was taking him. "Somewhat."

    "Somewhat?" She says, her stare intensifying on me, I take a deep breath and explain to her what my plan was, just like I explained to cornflake. "You my friend, is crazy."

   "Yes," I completely agree with her, in this scenario, "Yes, I am."

   After looking through 50 stores, walking a marathon around the mall, trying on endless outfits, I think we may have found the one.

    "So... " She says looking at me with disbelief, "You plan on wearing ripped jeans and a crop top."

   "Yup," I nod, looking at myself in the mirror.

   "Couldn't you have found that on your closet?" She asks, still looking at me like I'm crazy.

   "Yes..." I say, walking back to the fitting room and putting my own clothes back on, then walking out, "but if I did that, then I wouldn't have gotten time to hang out with my favorite person!" I say, wrapping my arms around her, as she rolls her eyes and laughs.

    After a long day of shopping, She's finally driving me home.

  "You don't think this crop top makes me look fat, right?" I ask, jokingly and she pushes me out of the car playfully.

  "Get out!" She yells at me, laughing. "Have fun! And use protection!" She continues to yell as she drives off.

   I sigh, well, its time for our date.

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