Chapter Five: Wrong person

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So after everything, the date, the food, the forest... the kiss, he drove me back home. The drive was extremely awkward, filled with uncomfortable silence between us the only sound that came was from the radio playing silently an old love song.

When we pulled over at my place I take a small glance at him, realizing he was already staring at me, he quickly takes his eyes to look outside of his window. 

"I loved that kiss." I say, not being able to control what came out of my mouth. He looked over at me, so it worked in my favor.

"The only reason I didn't apologize was because I wasn't sorry." Andrew says, and I could tell he was being honest. 

"I'm not sorry, either." I say, my eyes darting to his lips, "In fact... the memory is a little foggy," I smirk, looking back at his eyes, "Mind reminding me how amazing it was?" 

He didn't need me to ask him twice, he slowly leaned in, his lips hovering above mine, making me crave more. I leaned in softly, playing with his bottom lip. He moves the car seat back, and I climb over, keeping the eye contact. 

His right hand grabbing my waist, and his left in my neck. Soon, the kiss wasn't gentle, it was passionate and messy but our lips were perfectly in sync. 

The perfect moment was suddenly ruined when his phone starts to vibrate and he stops to check it. 

"Sorry, I have to leave, you know my friend.." he says looking at his phone

"Its alright, thanks for the ride." I smile, climbing out from on top of him.

 I remember Cornflake told me to tell her all about the date. I quickly rush to grab my phone, biting my lip to stop myself from smiling from that kiss. 

To Cornflake:


From conrflake:

How'd it go

To Cornflake:


From Cornflake:

Do you like him?

From Andrew:

Hey, I really liked hanging out with you, again sorry about my friend. 

To Andrew:

Ya, I mean his cute, funny, but I'm also afraid I may fall in too hard and then end up with my heart broken, I know you know I'm a risky person but I can be risky with everything EXCEPT my heart 

From Andrew:

Is that 'him' supposed to be me? I mean I promise I won't hurt you, Ever since I saw you I belonged to you its like this thing that just happen you made me believe in love and no matter what I will never hurt, because if I hurt you, I'll hurt myself.💗

Oh crap, I was just texting her, how did this happen. Fuck, what am I supposed to do now? I'll just ask Cornflake. God, how did I screw up this badly so soon? 

To cornflake:

I just send thisto Andrew➡ Ya, I mean his cute, funny, but I'm also afraid I may fall in too hard and then end up with my heart broken, I know you know I'm a risky person but I can be risky with everything EXCEPT my heart⬅ and he answer this ➡Is that 'him' supposed to be me? I mean I promise I won't hurt you, Ever since I saw you I belonged to you its like this thing that just happen you made me believe in love and no matter what I will never hurt, because if I hurt you, I'll hurt myself.💗⬅ what do I do??

From cornflake:

Meet up with him and tell him what's up, but tbh I don't see anything wrong with that.

i DoN't SeE aNytHiNg WrOng WiTh ThAt. What is wrong with her? OF course there is something wrong with I confessed my feelings to him after out first date. He probably thinks I'm a creep. 

The only solution to this is probably hanging out with him though. 

To Andrew: 

I think it will be better if we talk about this instead of text, meet me tomorrow at the park?

From Andrew:


I go to bed, the problem with sleep is that it requires peace. I didn't have much of that recently. Sleep also requires being tired, and of that I have plenty. 


My very deep peaceful slumber is disrupted by the annoying ass ringtone coming from my annoying ass phone.

"Morning" I say while hold back a yawn, not caring enough to check who was calling me at this ungodly hour. 

"Did I woke you up?"Andrews voice says, a hint of worry in his tone, regardless it filled me with joy.

"Maybe"I say trying to hold back the stupid smile trying to dance its way into my lips. 

"Are you ready for the park?" He asks, reminding me of what happened yesterday. Oh lord, please help me

"Yeah, of course. I'm on my way."

Getting up from my bed, I go and lazily take a shower. I get dressed with a black crop top and light washed jean shorts. Quickly, I try to make a bun, but it came out messy so I left it like that. 

To accessorize my outfit, I put on my chain and my all star white and black Adidas.

I rushed out of the house, trying to make it to the seeing as I was already 30 minutes late.

Once I make it there, I was actually early. I make my way to the swings, admiring a dad trying to take care of his three kids and a dog. Poor thing seemed to be struggling, and it was kinda funny. 

Out of nowhere, I could only see black because of the hands gently covering my eyes. 

"Hmm, I wonder who it is?" I laugh as he removes his hands, I turn around and I'm greeted by a warm hug.

"Hey." He says, putting his hands into his pockets, as a nervous act. 

"Hey, so about that text..." I get straight to the point, couldn't help it, its the type of person I am.

"You didn't mean what you sent?" I can instantly see hurt in his eyes, and it filled me with guilt. 

"No, no, no, I meant it, I just- Its hard to explain" I stumble over my words, not finding the right ones. 

"Hey, its ok... just think about it, is the gain worth the lost?"After he said that I kept thinking I mean it will be amazing to have him with me, waking up to be by his side, be able to call him mine, have the taste of his lips... but I won't be single I won't be able to life my happy crazy life, but again I can live my happy crazy life with him. 

I kept thinking about that, and suddenly I saw the answer was standing in front of me, literally. 

"Its ok, I understand you don't want-" I cut him off and started to kiss him, I felt him smile and we pulled away quickly.

"Again, It will help if talked less." I tease, remembering out little date.

"So, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks, with the cutest smile that his lips could pull of. 

I kissed him. 


A/N- So, I finally edited this, sorry it took so long :(

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