Chapter Two: Penguin?

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With the curiosity building up inside me, I grab my phone from my back pocket and hover my finger over Andrews name.

I walk to the couch, flopping down. My hands sweaty, my head feeling fuzzy and my fingers shaking with anxiety and curiosity.

I click his name and start texting him.

To: Andrew 

Hi, Its me, Lynn. From Starbucks.

He wasn't answering, at this point a million thoughts raced through my mind. He gave me the wrong number. He didn't like me. He lied. He gave me the right number but was later in a horrible car accident where he died. Or he gave me the wrong number and as karma he died in a car accident.

I grab a few Oreos and stress eat.

As I look for something to do to ease my mind, I hear my phone ding.

From: Andrew


Andrew. Cool name.

Not as cool as Penguin.

I wish my name was Penguin, but it's actually Lynn. I go by penguin, though.

Well, that's still pretty cool.

yup :D

I just go by good ol' boring Andrew.

I like the name Andrew though.

Thank you.

Yeah, I was thinking I should make it up to you. For the whole accident earlier.

You don't have to, but if you want to, I'm free tomorrow, how does that sound?

Sounds good

I'll see you tomorrow.

OK! I'm picking you up at 4.

I throw my phone in the couch and jump up, the butterflies invade my stomach, I smile so big appears on my mouth that it almost makes my cheek hurt. I had forgotten how it felt to feel this way. I felt so... young. 

I don't know if I'm looking for this happiness in Andrew because I need the affection, I don't know if I subconsciously miss the feeling of love that I'm just trying to find it in Andrew but at the moment, is not like I cared.

He made me feel happy, young, alive and I liked that feeling. I wasn't going to let it go.

I pick up my phone once again, but this time I dial Cornflake.

"Hey!" I chirp as soon as she picks up the phone, "You'll never guess what happened!"


"I'm going on a date with Andrew!" I exclaim, still not believing it myself, I was so incredibly happy it was hard to believe. "Well, I wouldn't call it a date date, but we're going out tomorrow!"

"That's awesome, Penguin!" She says, sounding genuinely happy for me, "where are you going?"

"Erm... " I say trailing off. I hadn't thought about that, but I'm sure I'll think of something. "So how's your life?"

"I know you're trying to change the subject and I'm going to let you just because the weirdest thing happened..." I hear her take a deep sigh, and continue "Well, I told you how Leo wouldn't leave me alone, well he just took it to the next level. He showed up at my house with his guitar and his serenating me right now."

I was left speechless. I mean on one side of the scale, his a douchebag but that does sound pretty cute. I didn't know what to tell her, I would usually be really good at advise.

Just kidding. I suck at advise. But I usually have at least one thing in mind that she should do. Now, is a different subject. I'm torn between telling her to call the police or letting him talk to her. To be honest, I always thought they were the cutest when they were together.

"I guess..." I trail off thinking. "Just let him explain. If that doesn't work, call the police."

"Okay," She says, taking a deep sigh. I knew she was just as clueless on what to do as I was. At the moment, that seemed like the best option, we may and may not think differently in the future.

On top of wandering what Leo may do, I had to worry about where to take Andrew.

If only I knew his favorite restaurant... I guess I could just figure it out, but how would I know if I was underdressed or overdressed...

I try to come up with a better idea, but nothing came to mind. I could take him to Starbucks but that would be terrible and just a big no. I want to make it special.

But, about the clothes...

I guess Andrew is a casual guy, so its probably a casual restaurant. I'll just wear something casual.

Just one little tiny but oh, so crucial detail... What the heck does 'dress casual' mean?


A/N: I M P O R T A N T! When I first wrote this story I forgot that she was supposed to take him out not the other way, how I first wrote so the story is going to change completely from now on.

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