Chapter Six: Trouble In Paradise

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***3 Weeks Later***

   The past couple of weeks that I have spent with Andrew have been nothing but amazing. He is such a gentleman, and even though its only been a few weeks, I can't help but be very fond of him. Time only helps our bond grow. 

In the past week, we had a party with some of our friends, I met Alex, apparently they're in a duo called The Chainsmokers. I've started listening to their music and I got to admit, its pretty good. 

Andrew also met some of my friends, Kacy and Cornflake. It's been good between us.

I grab my phone to check twitter, the first thing my eyes see, breaks my heart and makes whole body shatter. 

It was a picture of Andrew. 

Kissing a girl.

That wasn't me.

My eyes started to pour, the knot at the back of my throat made it basically impossible for me to breath. I could hear my phone ringing but my body was too numb to react. 

Once I finally get out of my trance, I look at whose calling me


My whole body fills with anger. Does he really think he can play me? He has me out here looking stupid, and he has the audacity to call me, not even come to my front door and talk face to face?

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I yell, not being able to control my anger, could you blame me?

"Whats wrong babe?"He asks, trying to seem innocent, as though he wasn't seeing another girl.  

"Don't 'BABE' me." I spit, through gritted teeth, I was still crying, but, oh was I mad. "We're done, Andrew." 

I hanged up and threw my phone across the room, my body shaking with both a mixture of anger and sadness. 

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I fell to the ground crying, the last thing I expect was for him to cheat on me. I mean, we were doing so good. He actually made me happy and now he betrays my trust? How could he do this to me? 

The last thing I'm going to do right now, is cry over a guy. I call Roxana, my drinking buddy.

I know drinking is bad for you and your liver, but who cares? 

I walk across the room trying to find my phone, luckily it landed on the couch, or it would have been broken. I have 10 texts and 5 missed calls from Andrew. I simply just block him. Thank you, next.

"Aye girl"She greets, her usual cheerful self. 

"Guess what I peeped?" I say, looking at my nails, "My ex is cheating on me."

"Oh, fuck no. He got me messed up." She says, and I could picture her shaking her head, "We finna pull up, girl." 

"No, that's not what I called you for." I say, laughing at her attempt to make me feel better, "I want to hit the club, I can't remember the last time I did that." 

"OK, I will be coming over, by the way, I'm using your clothes."

We hung up and I go and take a shower, as soon as I'm done I  wrap a robe around me and hear the doorbell and go downstairs to be greeted by Roxana.


****3 HOURS LATER***

We are done, she is wearing a red dress showing her back with white high heels, and I'm wearing a short black tight dress and high knee boots just above the knee she straighten her hair and I curled mine.

We called a cab and it arrived in 20 minutes we jumped in he had the radio and it was playing 'Closer' 

"Can you change the station please?"I ask the cab driver, Roxana gave me a weird look  but went with it, when he changed it, it was playing 'Fake love' by Drake.


We entered the club and there was a bunch of people already in the dance floor, it was 12:00 we made our way to the bar she ordered a rum and I order a sex on the beach.

After about 1 hour I had over 10 drinks and I was getting mad drunk, but I did not care. I lost Roxana I was on the dance floor and this guy just kinda came over we started talking and dancing, before I knew we were making out, there was no fireworks, no butterflies, no nothing. 

But, there was a lot of tongue and he did knew how to work with that.

But I didn't care. I was stuck in the moment. Somehow we started heading towards the bathroom but before anything I got dragged away by Roxana 

"What are u doing?!'' She whisper yelled,

"Aye girl chill, I'm just en- *hiccup* joying life!" She shook her head and pulled up a cab I took a glance at the clock, it read '3:00' after that I just heard her yelling at me and then just blackness.



guys thx so much for the reads!! i never thought people would actually enjoy what i write but its kinda awesome when u see that somebody voted on your story so thx so much!!!😀😀😄❤❤ and don't worry it will get better!! 

another a/n sorry for the cringe guys, i don't even know how to edit it to make it better 

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