Waking up next to you

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***Lynn's POV***

I wake up and look out to grab my phone and it says its 11:48am. I stretch and rub my eyes. I smell food so I get up and follow the smell.

I go to the kitchen and see Andrew cooking breakfast. I just look how cute he looks when he is focused. I notice that he is biting his lip. I decade to walk up behind him and scare him a little.

I run and jump on his back and he jumps a little and screams like a little girl. I just laugh and smile at him.

"Morning beautiful, Im making you breakfast." He says his morning voice still in.

"Mmm dat sounds great."i say sitting down. He goes back to zoong breakfast. I bite my bottom lip wondering if he would hurt me again. Or maybe it was a mistake everybody makes mistakes. I dont want to get hurt but I mean I should take risks to gain more. I get pull out of my daydream by somebody yelling "FUCK!" Andrew yells

"What happened?" I ask.

"I burned myself, shit." He says licking his finger that be burned. I go over to check it out but it turns out it wasn't even that big.

"Omg! Do you need to go to the hospital?! Omg that is yne worst burn I ever saw in my life!!" I say with sarcasm. He looks over at me with a 'are you serious' look and just laugh.

"Oh come on, its nothing!" I say mimicking what guys would say if a girl got hurt.

We laughed ate breakfast and we just chilled at home. Not Netflix and chill just chill. 😊😊

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