Gain My trust

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Since I agreed to go on a date   with Andrew. Which I still think is a waste of time. I still have to wear something. I decide on wearing a black dress with a tight brest area, a gold belt, and a lose bottom area. I put on some black shoes and get in the car.

I put on the radio and I recognize the song as one that Andrew and Alex sing. "Tell your friends it was nice to meet them but i hope i never see them again." That quote got me thinking  about that girl that kissed Andrew, Alex said that she was ine of his friends. But I mean if i do see her again she might be needing plastic surgery. Just saying.

I arrive at starbucks and see a path of petals leading to the door.

I enter and see everything is light up with candels and there are red flowers decorating the place and in the middle if all that is Andrew standing there.

When I saw him I saw the angel I first saw, It was perfect good memories of us flooded through my head. Our first kiss, bumping into each other. But in te back of my mind there was somethibg that kept tellibg me and hurting me. Because I knew that he was the one. But again he hurt me so bad, and ti be honest I don't know how I am going to forget or get over this😥.

"hey, I'm glad you could make it. I thought-" Even hearing his voice hurt me I knew that sooner or later I was going to cry because this is too much for me I am new to all of this I dont like relationships and I never had a serious one I did but it broek my heart and it was a long time ago.

"I just came here because Alex would have annoyed me to death if I didn't." I say killing his mood making me fell worse instead of better.

"Well, lets get on with the date!" He flashes this smile at me, the one that makes me melt. And he leads me to a table witha really fan y dinner. We start to eat.

After we finish eating he takes my hand "Would you like to dance"

"There is no music." as soon as I say 'war of hearts' starts playing in the background. "Do I really have a choice?" I say standing up and he takes me and we dance to the rhythem if the song.

As we are dancing everyting swems perfect. He has his strong arms wrapped around my small body. As much as I hate to admit I wish I could stop time because right niw I feel so safe. I know he will protect me against anythibg and everythibg he went past his limits to come here and I feel so special. I want to trust him but what if he hurts me again? I dont want this. I want to run from my problems and just dont care. But its so dificult if yoyr problem will be anywhere you go because he wont give up.

"I cant help but be wrong in the dark..."

When that lary started playing he started leaning in. I looked to his lips and every. single. inch. of my body wnated him. but as we reach only centimeters apart I lift my index finger up and oull him apart.

"I get it." he says looking down.

"No you dont."

"Can yiu explain it to me?" he says putting his arm around me and taking me outside as the moonlight hits us.

I take a deep breath and decide that I should let all my feellings out.

"I.. Listen, I like- fuck like, I love you Andrew Taggart. It hurt like hell to see you with thay other girl. And yes, I dk realize it was only a kiss but your mine and mine only I dont want no other hoe kissing you and I dont care if she is your friend or not because you are my boyfriend. Seeing you here it hurts to see that you cheated on me and all but it would hury more to see you with another girl. I know I can make you happy and I want to wake up every morning to see you and to be able to call you mine. So yiu know what? Srew getting hurt." and with that I start kissing him roughly and with passion. He puts his arm around my waist pulling me close. While dragging one hand over ti my thigh motioning me to jump I do as instructed and he carries me inside.

When we get inside he puts me on top of a table and starts kissing my neck I rip his shirt out admiring his abs. He starts to unzip my dress and yeah... things get heated. (Sowy I dont feel like describing sex rn)

Fate (Andrew Taggart, The Chainsmaokers)Where stories live. Discover now