What are we now?

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***Andrew's POV***

I wake up on the floor memories from last night came in and a smile appeared on my face I felt so happy, I know I can at least get her back I haven't lost her forever. I look over and and see a note.

'Last night was great, thanks. But you still can't expect me to be fine. Anyway, I like you

~Penguin ;)

I love how she writes Penguin, I still can't believe I did that t her because I could have dodge that kiss easily but that just proved to me that I want her because the second  I did it I felt so guilty. But Anyways I call her.

A: Morning beautiful

L:*smiling and just woke up* hey

A: did you just woke up?


A:well what are your plans for today?

L: I don't know, but Andrew, what are we?

A: *silence*


A: I don't know, Lynn. You broke up with me, then last night happen and all you said... But I don't expect you to be my girlfriends as much as I'd like to.

L:wanna come over and watch some movies?

A: I'll be there in 30 minutes.

We hang up. And I get ready and put on white vans, light wash ripped  jeans and white T. After all we are just watching movies.

I get there and knock on the door and she opens she's wearing an oversize T shirt which I recognize as mine and joggers.

"Is that my shirt?" I say with a light smile on.

"well, it was. It's mine now." She said leading me in. We flop down  on the couch and she shows me a bunch of movies we can watch and one of them is Ouija: Origins of evil.

"Let's watch Ouija."

"But I don't like scary." She sounded as if she was lying but I just went with it.

"Come on, I'm right here nothing is going to happen."

"OK, but if I call at 2 a.m because I can't you better get your ass over here and help me sleep." She says we a demanding finger, I put my hands and say, "OK." She puts the movie on and curls up in my side as I put a hand around her and smile down at how cute she looks

Its that part when the girl is looking in the mirror and the monster black thingy come behind her, If you were scared of horror movies you would have naturally flinched but Lynn is watching it as if she watched it a million times and is a normal every day thing. Anyways we watch the whole movie and Lynn just looks up at me with a very cute and big smile on her face "I'm not actually scared of horror movies and I've watched this movie like 1 million times."

"So I figured."

We both laugh and its like 1:06

"Wanna grab lunch?"

"Sure, do I look fine?"

"You look beautiful" I say scanning her up and down, She punches lightly in the arm and just chuckles looking down, i can tell she is blushing even if she's trying ti hide it. But I just think its cute. I use my thumb to lift up her chin looking into her eyes I don't realize we are leaning in until I feel a pair of soft lips on mine. The kiss wasn't rough it was filled of love, I felt so sorry for doing what I did, and for not being able to this more often.

We pull away both gasping for air. "Umm, we should probably erm get going." I say looking toward the door.

"Yeah, umm... right" She trails off scratching her head.

We arrive at McDonalds and sshe orders a number 3 with extra fries and coke, I decide t order the same thing.

We eat our food and we get off in the playground near her house. We have so many good memories in here. She goes and sits on the swings

"Come on push me!" I start to push her softly but soon she is going super high. and she is screaming and laughing (Don't think dirty they are just in the swings, childz)

"OH MY GOD ANDREW!! IF I FALL!! YOU ARE DEAD!!!!!!!!" She says she sounds very scared and dead serious.

"Its going to be fine." I say reassuring her I'm not going to let her fall

"PUT ME DOWN!!! PLEASEEE" Ok I do as told and she run to my arms and I can feel her shaking.

"Why are you shaking?" I say we a soft laugh, She punches me in the arm but this time not so lightly.

"Don't do that." She say looking up at me and I get a glance of her face, and its so pale!

"Babe, you alright?" I say then realize I just called her babe. I don't think she notice though.

"Yeah, but... I feel light headed" I decide to take her home.

When we get home I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her room.

"Do you want to watch Love Actually?" She ask me and I just simply nod laying in bed as she cuddles up next to me.

In the middle of them movie I look down at Lynn only to find her sleeping and I feel my own eyes getting heavy, So I just fall asleep next to her.

Fate (Andrew Taggart, The Chainsmaokers)Where stories live. Discover now