Chapter One: Oops

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-We don't meet people by accident, they cross our paths for a reason-

Is there an emergency? Probably not. Is someone dead? Also, probably not. Is someone about to die? Yes. Because I do not see the point on way my phone may be vibrating such an early hour of the morning!

   I raise my head, my eyes sting from opening them after a night sleep, looking for my vibrating phone. I see my phone light up with multiple texts from, my dear friend, Caitlin, or as I like to call her, Cornflake.

From: Cornflake


Come Hang out with me at Starbucks.

I need you

To: Cornflake

Do you know what time it is? Its like 3a.m. The hell are you in Starbucks for?

From: Cornflake

First of all, is 9, so chill out, plus I want coffee, does there need to be a better reason?


Fine. But just know, that you woke me up from nice, beautiful dream.

I'll be there in 5

From: Cornflake

Stop being dramatic.

I scroll through Instagram, for a few minutes do to the fact that I am already on my phone.

   Finally, I gather the energy to go and take a shower. After drying my hair and letting it stay on its natural waves I walk to my closet. It has been a habit to always get dress there. I where a white crop top with black writing in it and some ripped light washed jeans, I give myself one last look on the mirror before realizing that I forgot to put in my belly button ring. Finally after a short 40 minutes, I'm ready. I grab the car keys and jump to my car.

    The traffic was specially unpleasant today. But luckily, with the help of God, I have made it. Finally at Starbucks, the green sign greets me. I hear heavy, angry footsteps as I get out of the car come behind me, I look to see a raging Caitlin behind me, giving me a death glare.

"You said 5 minutes!" She yells at me, pointing to her phone, "It has been an hour! I had to sit here and watch my phone ring as Leo kept calling me!" Oh, yes. How could we forget Leo. Her ex.

"I'm so sorry." I say, in my best sympathetic tone, she looks pissed for two more second before shooting me a smirk. I know my superpower, its her weakness! That is called: My smile! It is irresistible! Nobody could ever say no to me as long as I smile! It was my greatest strength and yet, their worst weakness! I shall rule the world with my smile!

Just kidding, I wish.

"Its impossible to stay mad at you," She says, opening the door for me, as a laugh exits my lips. It may not be my actual superpower with everybody, but it was definitely one of her weakness, "I think its because your just so cute, and short!" She teased. I knew I was short. I wasn't dumb, I was 5'2 but I still hated to be teased for it. I didn't let it show though. 

As we made it to the front of the line, a nice girl greeted us"Hello, What can I get for you two?" She smiles, her white teeth sparkling as her blue eyes light up.

"I'd like a Iced Coffee, please" Honestly first time I ever see Cornflake be nice to a waitress. She always accuses them of being fake and not knowing what their doing. So she gives them attitude, most of the time.  

"I'd like a Coffee Traveler with Veranda Blend, please"I say politely, returning her smile. She was very pretty, almost gave the illusion as though she was glowing.

 "OK, I'll find the table" Cornflake announced. I check my phone, waiting for our coffees. Nothing new. When I look up again the woman was offering me the coffees I grab them, pay her, and walk to find the table where Cornflake would be sitting at, probably complaining about something new, something she saw on social media is my guess.

I spot Cornflake sitting down, I try to make my way to her as fast as I can, not being very observant over my surroundings. Next thing I know, I spilled some guy's coffee on top of him.

"OW!" He flinches with pain, trying to blow the hot coffee that I accidently spilled on top of him. He loos at me, his attacker with anger in his eyes but softens once he sees me. I can tell what his feeling, because I'm feeling it, too. 

His eyes, they seem to drag me into them, the sun, hiding behind his face, giving the illusion that his is the sun. The wind flows at the perfect time and place and it feels as though I am seeing an actual angel right now, like the skies are opening up to me. The air was no longer reaching my lungs, I struggle to breath and for second I believed that I was, in fact dying.

"I-I'm sorry" I catch my breath, his eyes seem to dart back from my lips back up to my eyes. The coffee no longer seem to bother him.

"It's okay." He says with a little chuckle. He made me nervous, he made me want to run with him into the sunset, but at the same time I told myself that I needed to run from him. Who was this guy? He wore the face of peace and evil equally well. At the moment, I didn't care who he was. I just wanted to see him again.

"No," I say, not really planning this through. What was I doing? I needed a plan right now. What was even happening? "I spilled coffee on you!" I think out loud, that didn't sound right, I sounded to over joyed. Crap! "I need to make it up to you!"

"So, do you want to buy me coffee?" He asks. Pointing to his shirt. I felt really bad, It was a white shirt.

"Sure!" I say, sounding too happy. I need to stop. "But... Not right now, I'm kind of supposed to be with my friend and she will actually kill me if I left her. But... If you give me your number I could buy you coffee some other time?"

"Sounds good" He smiles, putting his number into my phone, "Call me later!" He shouts as I make my way to Cornflake's table.

"I will!"

I go over to the table and I see Cornflake with this smirk "What?" I say, with my innocent-I-did-nothing-wrong smile.

"You and that guy totally hit it off!" She says, taking a sip of her drink. "What's his name?" She asks, leaving me to think for second as I catch my breath, that I didn't realize I was holding.

"I didn't ask" I say, realization hitting me, "but I did got his number!" I,

"So, you got his number but not his name?'' she ask, as if That's exactly not what I just told her. Sometimes I wonder if she ever actually pays attention to what I say.

"Yes..." I say, crunching down on my seat. "Wait maybe he put his name in my contacts!" I say, sitting up again, I felt like a child. He made me feel young again. I make it sound like I'm eighty years old. I'm only twenty-four.

I check my phone and it says 'Andrew'

"So Andrew huh?" Cornflake says, smiling up at me

"That's apparently what his parents named him" I say. Looking at my phone, my finger hovering over the call buttom

After we talked I headed back home, it was like 1:03. We decided to head to the mall and well we bought some stuff. We can't just go to the mall and not buy anything.

I look over my phone and automatically thought of the boy and decided to text him.


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