Chapter 9

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Once Gibbs and Dinozzo reached Mackenna's humble abode they see that the giant redwood front door is jammed open from someone picking the lock.

"Gibbs do you see what I see?" Dinozzo asks while she pulls her gun from her holster ready to shot if necessary.

"Yes. We go in on my command." Gibbs replies while doing the same as Dinozzo.

"Got it boss. Ready when you are." Dinozzo let's Gibbs know so they can head in and see what has happened here. With that being said Gibbs gives the command to enter and search any room for anyone.

"Clear!" Gibbs yells after checking all the rooms on the right.

"Not clear!" Dinozzo lets Gibbs know.

"What do you mean not clear. Is there a body or a living human?" Gibbs demands to know as she follows where Dinozzo's voice. The second she walks in she see a little boy huddled in a corner with a little girl about the same age on his lap.

"Hi there. Can you guys please tell me your names I just want to help you." Gibbs speaks softly to the little kids just like they were her own. The boy just shakes his head no and shields the girl even more from them.

"I promise I won't shoot. My name is Kelly and this is my partner Tali. I had a son about your age once. I lost him to a very bad man and I don't want that to happen to you can you please tell me your names." Gibbs lets the kids know that she isn't going to harm them with Tali standing right next to her.

"I won't give you my name but I will give you hers. Her name is Lilian she is hurt but I don't know how bad she's my best friend and I don't want her to die." The little boy say while opening toward Gibbs and Dinozzo with the little girl finally being able to see that she got shot on the upper should and that the little boy was trying to save her.

"I promise I won't let Lilian die here not today not ever I promise." Gibbs let's the little boy know while taking Lilian out of his hands and slowly starting to make her way towards the car.

"Tali get the boy and head back to the headquarters I'm going to get her to the hospital as fast as I can."

"Yes ma'ma." Dinozzo says as Gibbs pulls out of the driveway with sirens blazing on the way to the hospital.


"Help please anyone help!" Gibbs starts shouting the second she reaches the E.R. waiting room.

"What's the emergency ma'am?" the nearest nurse asks Gibbs with concern.

"My name is Special Agent Kelly Gibbs I work with NCIS. This girls name is Lilian, she has been shot on the upper left shoulder I'm not sure how long ago. Please help her, her friend is counting on her being alive." Gibbs tells the nurse everything she needs to know to keep the child alive as fast as she can. The nurse takes Lilian from Gibbs and starts running down the hall to the E.R. room so a doctor can see her.

"I hope you will be alright little one, your friend needs you." Gibbs says under her breath when Lilian is far enough away not to hear.


"Hey buddy, my names Tali. Do you want to come with me until we can go see your friend?" Dinozzo asks the little boy who still refuses to give him's name up yet. He just nods yes. SO Tali takes him back to NCIS hq.

"McGee can you please take our guest here down to Dexter, please." Dinozzo asks more like demands as they step off the elevator.

"Sure but I think you might want to take him because there is someone down there that is a perfect ten on a hot scale." McGee lets Tali know with a smirk on her face.

"Never mind, I'll take the little one down. Come one buddy we are going to visit a friend of mine down stairs he loves kids and he has a dog named butch." Tali says to the boy as they make their way back to the elevator.


"Hey Dex, Butch we have a guest for ya." Tali says when she sets foot into the lab with the boy hiding behind her leg.

"Oh well I also have someone that I would like you to meet." When Dexter says that a guys walks out from the double doors. he has raven black eyes, honey colored eyes, soft looking features, with a white see through shirt and a 6 pack trying to hide under it, paired with light blue jeans.

"Hi, names Holden. I went to collage with Dexter." He says while holding out his hand for Tali to shake it.

"Names Tali, nice to meet you Holden. This little kidos name is... actually he hasn't told me his name yet." She says while looking at Dexter for some help with the kid.

"Hey little buddy why don't you come with me we can mess around with Butch." Dexter suggest to the boy as he start to venture out from behind Tali's leg.

"I promise he won't bite. You can play with him." Tali reassures him as he looks to her to make sure that it's safe. With her saying that he starts to play with the dog.

"Okay, now that you are safe with him I'm headed back up to McGee." Tali states as she walks towards the elevator.

"Go with her dude." Dexter mouths to Holden when no one is looking.

"Wait for me Tali." Holden screams from the lab while Tali hold the door to the elevator for him.

"Thank you." he says as he steps in. After a few second of the elevator moving Holden reaches for the off button and turns the elevator off.

"Impressed, how do you know how to do that?"

"Dex taught me when I first arrived here about three years ago."

"Oh do you work here and I've just never seen you."

"NO sadly I don't work here I would love to though. I actually am a homicide detective for Indiana."

"That really cool."

"Yeah so where did you work before you came here?"

"Came from Baltimore PD."

"That's really cool. Um can i ask you a question?"

"Sure what would you like to ask."

"Um... I was wondering if maybe..."


"Sorry I have to take this. It's the boss."

"It's fine go right ahead."

"Hey Gibbs what is it?" Tali asks after picking the phone up feeling bad that it just had to interrupt Holden.

"Lilian is out of surgery she is going to live but has to be hospitalized for a good amount of time. Who else is with you right now?" Gibbs asks hearing the breathing in the background.

"I'm with Dexter's friend from Indy, names Holden." Tali informs Gibbs as she turns the elevator back on after a couple more seconds in the elevator it shuts off and both Tali and Holden go flying to the floor.

"Are you too alright and what happened."Gibbs asks after hearing them both hit the floor with a thud.

"Yes we are fine I'm just gonna try top turn the elevator back on real quick." Tali lets Gibbs know while flipping the on and off switch twice.

"Gibbs. We might have a problem the elevator won't turn back on." Tali says with concern and worry thick in her voice.

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