Chapter 11

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Tali awakes with a start. Her ankle is killing her from earlier but she can't move it from it's uncomfortable position. Once she regains full consciousness she realizes that she is tied to a wooden splintery chair using a very thick twine at both her ankles and wrists and her whole body is sore for some odd reason.

"Hello anyone." She barely screams it as a whisper due to her hoarse voice. All memories come back to her in a wave of headaches.

"Holden what are we going to do with Miss. Dinozzo?" A mystery man asks the once very charming Holden Black who now looks like he is a harsh and cruel man when he looks back at Tali but he features soften a bit.

"Just keep driving Miller. I'l let you know when to stop the truck." He says with the harshest tone Tali has ever heard used in the world before and she has been yelled at a lot. Once she can see a little more than before she notices she is in the back seat of a pick up truck bound at the wrist and feet.

"Can't do that we are going to have to stop for gas soon. Sorry Boss." The guy who's name seems to be Miller lets Holden know.

"What did I tell you to do before I even left the hideout last night..." Holden pauses for a little then together they say

"Make sure the gas tank is full before you leave tomorrow morning." Once finished Miller just lowers his head in shame.

"Fine stop here. She should be still knocked out, but I'll make sure and after you fill up gas why don't you go in a buy us some food and drinks." Holden points to the nearest area to stop with is only a couple feet away from where the truck is.

"Why don't you go into the store and get food for us while I fill up gas." Miller suggest to Holden.

"Because for one I'm in charge also I've seen her fight she could kick your butt in two seconds flat." Holden says looking a little taller than before talking about what Tali can accomplish. Once they pull up to a Filler at the gas station Holden stays in the car while Miller gets out to do his job. Once Miller starts to head to the store Holden gets out of the car and makes his way to the same side of the car that Tali's head is located on. The second he opens the door blinding sun light floods into the darkness that has been shielding Tali for quite some time. After making sure that he was alone he bends down and as light as a feather kisses Tali on her forehead.

"Your not fooling me Tali, I know that you are awake I went with you were knocked out to throw Miller off." Holden says as he smiles down at her beautiful eyes looking back at him.

"Where am I?" she can barely get out because she is a little hoarse from not talking for so long.

"You Tali are in the back of a black Ford F-150 4x4 that is conveniently for Miller located in the middle of no where." He lets her know as he gentle moves a lose strand of hair fly's in front of her face from a soft breeze from the south.

"Why is that convenient for Miller?" She asks when she feels the bonds around her wrist loosen enough to get out of thanks to Holden cutting a strand of the thick twine.

"He's a minion for a very high up drug dealer that has to deal with you apparently way too many times in his opinion because he has ordered us to kill you but I've been undercover for the last four months and I promise that nothing will happen to you on my life." Holden reassures her with a whole lot of concern clear in his eyes.

"Thank you Holden, but give me a heads up next time something like this is going to happen."

"I will and you are going to hate me for this but..." Soon the world went black again with Holden's promise still clear in Tali's mind.Once they reached the place when they were told to stop Miller set up a Boxing cage and Holden got Tali out of the back of the truck.

"Come on Miller I'm gonna need some help getting her tied up." Holden yells at Miller for the thousandth time today.

"Yeah but I need her awake." Miller complains to Holden.

"Why would you need her awake we are just here to kill/torture her. Not anything more plus she is already injured look at her ankle and arm." Holden points out while Miller still moves a bunch of crates around.

"Because I'm gonna put your statement from earlier to test on weather she can beat me or not." Miller finally explains once done building the pen where it looks like they would fight.

"Fine I would actually like to see that also but we were given orders, and she's not your toy to mess around with."

"Please man I won't do anything else also you can voice for her when you think she has had enough of the Miller Man."

"Fine I'll let you go it as long as you never ever in the next thirty eight years ever call yourself "The Miller Man" again. Also you have to help me tie her up afterwards." Once Holden agrees to the fight Miller walks out of the room to get ready for it, and leaves Holden to wake Tali up enough to fight.

"Come on Tali it's time to wake up. You have to fight okay? I don't want you to get hurt too bad and I have reinforcement on the way I promise." Holden softly tells Tali as he tries to wake her up enough to fight back to Miller with out seriously getting injured.

"What's going on, where are we and why am I fighting someone named Miller?" Tali asks as she tries to move but can't due to the ropes still tied around her ankles and the sleepiness that still engulfs her.

"We are in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of Shenandoah National Park. This warehouse is where they want you for the next three weeks until you wither away, but I promise that won't happen to you. And you are fighting Miller my "partner" because I may have told him that you could win in two seconds flat a couple hours ago." Holden lets her know everything that she just asked for, while helping her sit up to wake up a little more. He ends up sitting next to her to help hold her up to stay awake, but she ends up resting her head on his shoulder and falls asleep again. When Holden is about to slip into the sleeping coma that has been presented to him Miller walks back into the room.

"Aw Holden's found a little cuddle buddy. To bad she has to die." Miller says to them both in the coldest tone possible for a human more like a mad man in this case. After he says that Holden shoots up from the couch hitting heads with Tali but ignoring the pain dead pans.

"Very funny Miller, she just fell back asleep on me and so i sat there and let her unlike you who just wants to put her in more pain than she is already in." Holden screams at Miller who just laughs as Tali wakes up with a jolt due to the yelling and the rising headache.

"Is this who I am fighting." Tali ask while wiping the sleep from her eyes and finally looks at Miller with discus because he is in a green leotard with two red M's on it that looked to be hand sewn.

"Yes babe I'm the great Miller Man." Miller winks at her with a confident smirk on his face that he is going to win. While Holden just rolls his eyes at him due to the stupid stage name.

"Come on lets just get this over with." Tali says while getting up from the once soft black leather couch and walks into what she assumes what looks like a ring for them to fight in.

"Okay you too, I'll explain the rules once you are both ready to fight." Holden waits until he gets a nod to go ahead from both of them.

"Okay rule one- you must listen to me when I say that the fight is over. Rule two- No other weapons other than your whats on your body for example your hand, feet, and head." After Holden finishes saying the rules Miller throws the first punch.

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