Chapter 13

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"What's going on in here?" The man who looks like a head captain in his official uniform and red beret on top of his military buss-cut hair and his hand gun pointed right at Holden's head asks with a serious voice that won't take nothing for an answer.

"My names Holden Black I'm with the Baltimore PD undercover for a classified mission, this here is Tali Dinozzo she is with NCIS and is helping me catch the drug dealer we are after who also murdered your lieutenant." Holden let's the head office in charge know.

"Why did we get a call to 911 that informed us that there was a dead naval officer in a warehouse up on the mountains? Also my names General Forw." The head officer explains to them.
"Miller he thinks that if he can give away the hideout we will have to move or leave him with her alone while I would have to deal with the head boss. He had us set up." Holden comes to realize this while finally Forw tells everyone to put the guns down.
"Wait if there is a dead naval person here where's Gibbs and McGee and Palmer?" Tali finally makes a comment while still in pain trying to move towards anyone.
"They should be here if there is a dead navy man." Tali finally collapsed with all energy drained out of her.

Where Tali? I swear I heard her voice." Gibbs says while pushing past all the military officials.

"Oh, Tali what happen to you?" McGee asks once she finally gets into the view of Tali.

"It's my fault I let Miller do this to her." Gibbs gives Holden the look to explain immediately so he continues on.

"He wanted to fight her because earlier today I said that she could kick his butt in two seconds flat, all he wanted was to prove he was better than her." Holden just looks down in shame at the concrete floor as he walks Tali over to the couch carrying her whole weight with him. After he sets her down she falls back asleep due to the exhaustion of the semi-fight.

"What do you mean he wanted to prove that he was better?" Dexter screams at him.

"Hey Dex... I mean that he wanted to see that he was better than her because when I said it I guess I gave off the kinda tone that said "I bet you that she is way better than you" so some how at some point after we arrived back here he built this pen..." Holden points to where they were just laying before the door got busted open.

"And asked me to wake up Tali so they could fight and before y'all say anything I allowed them to fight as long as I got to say when it ended, but Miller doesn't listen very well." Holden tells Dexter to defend himself because he could never let him know that he truely cares about Tali or at least he thinks he cares about Tali.

"How come it got to be based off of what you said to end it?" Gibbs was starting to question what was truly going on here.

"It's because I've been threatened if I don't keep her safe that I'll be murdered by one of the few people who can hide all forensic evidence from the world." Holden hints and quotes exactly what Dexter told him one day.

"Wait Dexter if you are here where is the little boy and what about the little girl Gibbs?" Tali questions with concern thick in her voice due to the fact that the little boy might help them on the case.

"I promise that they are both safe at the hospital with Vance right now." Gibbs calms Tali down with that information.

"Okay thank you for make sure they are safe because I have to apparently be help on this undercover mission." Tali thanks Gibbs as she starts to walk over with Dexter and Palmer to check on how bad the injuries are.

"Look Dex, I know you are mad at me for letting her get hurt but I had to Miller he would have been suspicious on why I was trying to save her when we are supposed to torture her will you even forgive me." Holden begs Dexter for forgiveness.

"Tali how are you feeling even though you look like you just got hit by a freight train?" Dexter checks on Tali while ignoring Holden's plead for forgiveness.

"Pretty good considering the day I have had so far also considering the fact I look like I got run over by a freight train according to you, but my gut hurts a lot and so does my ankle." Tali calmly answers Dexter and directs the last part to Palmer to help him see how bad they are hurt. After ten minutes Palmer is finally done with a through check to the ankle and gut, once he finishes he lets everyone know what the word is.

"Okay it looks like you have a cleanly broken ankle, a pretty deep scratch on her left arm, a minor concussion, and two broken lower ribs along with a couple bruised. How did she get the broken ankle?" Palmer looks to Holden for the last part.

"Well for the ankle that's two stories, when the elevator stopped it jerked down and she kept going and sprained her ankle then but then she thought it was a great idea to kick Miller on his left side with her right ankle so that's how she broke it cleanly. For the scratch when she fell due to the ankle being weak she scraped her arm down the side of the elevator and it was on the very end of the railing. The concussion I'm not really sure, but it might be due to him hitting her square in the jaw and then her hitting the concrete very hard afterwards with her head. That's when I called off the fight.  

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