Chapter 10

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Tali just slides down the elevator wall ignoring the pain that is shooting up her arm and leg.

"I am gonna contact McGee to find out what happened there do not leave... Sorry that was stupid you guys can not leave even if you want to, just do not die. Okay?"

"We won't die or leave I promise Gibbs just please find out what happened." Tali pleads and promises as she hangs up.

"So it looks like we are stuck here aren't we." Holden says like it ain't obvious.

"Wow great detective skills Casanova." Dinozzo says with sarcasm lacing her voice.

"Sorry that was really harsh wasn't it. It's just that I am kinda claustrophobic and I can get really sarcastic thanks to it." Tali tells Holden as the pain shoots back up her arm and leg again.

"It is fine I can not say I blame you for being sarcastic. Also are you alright do not think I did not hear that little intake of air that makes you sound like you are in some sort of pain."

"I will be fine it is just my leg and arm that hurts."

"Can I see. I won't hurt you unless it is unintentional I promise." Holden looks at Tali with puppy dog eyes pleading to let him do it.

"Fine but it is not my fault if you get injured because of me." She reluctantly says as he scoots closer to her.

"Now I am gonna start with your leg please let me know when it hurts."

"Yes, doctor Black." Tali says as he starts to trail his hand up her leg starting at her foot.

"That hurts." She says once he reaches her ankle.

"Okay. Now I am gonna have to checkout your arm." He lets her know as he pulls her into his lap so he can hold her while checking out her arm.

"Okay, my arm does not hurt as much but it still stings." Tali lets him know so he knows what to try and look for.

"Okay I am done but I can tell you that you are bleeding. Do you have anything I can wrap around it?"

"Yeah you can take the cloth from my right sleeve because the other one is probably bloody."

"Okay just do not move till I say to." With that he rips the cloth off of Tali's shirt like it's paper and starts to tie it around her wound.

"There I am done you can open your eyes my dear." Holden says as he lifts her chin up so he can she her beautiful golden brown eyes. Just before they can kiss or even come close the elevator starts back up with a jerk but it is headed to the basement instead of the squad room.

"Why are we going to the basement?" Those are the last things Tali can say before she gets knocked out from behind. She is still conscious for long enough to hear to men talk and then it all went dark. 

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