Prologue: Planet Fusion

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It was a year ago...when that horrendous planet appeared in the sky...

No warning came. Everybody woke up to see a giant green blob in the sky. Scientists and astronomers alike all around the world were baffled. They had no idea what to make of the spectacle. It wasn't natural. So the sent drones and even astronauts to investigate on the surface of the planet. The only things that came back were garbled messages and brief pictures of a sort gooey substances and red lights.

green gooey substances and red lights

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So we tried to adjust. I was changed though. Every day I looked up at that horrendous planet and glared. It made me uneasy. Like it was gonna do something. It couldn't have just popped into existence for nothing. The fact nothing came back conclusive to DexLabs or Mandark Industries didn't help. They were the most advanced technology companies in the world, and highly regarded throughout the universe. The Plumber organization hasn't been able to find anything out, either. They discovered that some planets throughout the universe are missing as well...

The KND moon base was able to find some things, but still nothing definite. Just blurry close up pictures. It looked like other planets form our solar system had been taken in. After a quick scan, it was confirmed that all the other planets were missing, and most likely were those most prominent in Fusion's surface. Their 2x4 technology is also excellent, although still nowhere near Dexlabs.

Sorry, getting off track. Anyway, as I was saying, all of these things made me uncomfortable about that thing in the sky. Everyone else eventually grew used to it, but not me. Every day I looked up, hoping to see a blue sky, but it always was there, mocking me from above.

And then...sigh...

And then everything changed.

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