Chapter Twenty-One: The Second War for Sector V

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"Calm down!" I shouted over everyone's voices. "Jeez..."

"So...Let me get this straight." Jackson called out. "We're part of the..."

"Elite?" Chris interrupted. A huge smile spread across his face. "AWESOME!"

Chatter broke out again among our band. Many were raving over the name. Avenging Angels. I allowed myself to smile a little at it. It was pretty cool sounding. And then I remembered how we earned it, and the smile faded. I imagine how Jacob may've screamed...

I shook my head. "Alright. Everyone, calm down. Don't try to flaunt it. It's still a war. Even an apocalypse. If you try to act better than everybody else..."

"They'll try to...kill us..." Alex piped in quietly. Everyone quieted down. Most of everyone nodded.

My NanoCom blipped. I turned it on, only to have Dexter screaming at me from the other side.


"Woah, woah, man. Settle down, what's up?"

"SECTOR V. NOW!" Explosions sounded. From real time as well as over the NanoCom.

"Oh crap...what's the situation?" I asked hurriedly.

"DON DOOM." And with that, Dexter hung up.

A few minutes later, we got to the scene. But only at the end. Some figure was floating in the air. He thrust his arms up and green blasts flew from his outstretched hands and collided all over the massive Don Doom's body.

"Is it me...or is this one...bigger then the last one?" Chris asked.

"Aw...hell..." Niko said.

But we never got in on the action. Suddenly, green explosions and...dust. Doom collapsed and...

The rest I don't remember.

I groaned as I sat back up, the smoke settling around me. I squinted around, clutching my head where it hit a rock. I heard a gurgling noise and my eyes widened. I spun around on my hands and found myself face-to-face with a grinning Fusion Spawn. It gurgled again, sounding almost like laughter as it opened it's mouth wider and wider, preparing to try to swallow me whole. I scattered my hands about, looking for my swords. I couldn't find the familiar, cold metal's grip. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the inevitable burn of Fusion Matter when suddenly a loud bang sounded.

I looked up, shocked. Standing above me was a lightly brown-skinned girl who looked only just older than me. She folded her arms over her chest. She wore a big grey hoodie with the hood up and over most of the face, navy jeans, and slightly clunky shoes. A huge scythe was slung over her back. She stared down at me and then slowly grinned.

She began to giggle slightly, which only got louder. "Well helloooo." She drawled in a sing-song voice. "And who are you?"

I slowly stood up, eyes flicking to my sides, scanning for my swords, or some kind of weapon. I saw the huge form of the second Don Doom. A huge explosion sounded somewhere and a red-pink streak flew off towards the KND treehouse. I glanced at it. Blossom with Kenju, I thought. I whipped back to this strange girl in front of me. She continued to grin in an...unsettling way. Her mouth seemed to grin too wide for a human person.

"Who...who are you?" I asked slowly.

"Uh, uh, uh." She tsked. "Me first. What's your name?"

"...Ben..." I slowly said.

She giggled again. "I like it." Her head tilted. "I have a few names. Among them...Glitch...the 'Game Over' ghost." She was quiet for a moment. "But I guess you could call me Amelia. That would be name, I suppose. From before I became a ghost. Metaphorically, of course. We all know ghosts aren't real...sadly." She tilted her head back to a normal position.

"What are you doing out here, Ben?"

"Er...There was kind of a war here? Big deal. Don Doom...massive Fusion monster? Brink of destruction? All that? Y'know, death planet above our heads?" I pointed up through the clouds of dust, where Planet Fusion peeked through. The damned planet. I watched Amelia. She looked up at the planet and laughed.

"Oh, I don't worry about all that. I simply kill the little things when they try to hurt me." A frown, almost a pout spread across her face. "After all, that's not nice. And people who don't do nice things...Well, they get hurt." She grinned again. "It's only right they get the punishment they deserve...right?"

I perked an eyebrow. "'re...eccentric?" I commented very, very hesitantly.Amelia looked at me for a second. Then she grinned again, this one much more warm, more genuine. "That better not have been an insult..."

My eyes widened. "No no!" I waved my arms. "I like eccentric! Eccentric is good! It makes things interesting!"

She laughed again. Man, she liked laughing. "I'm only kidding." She glanced around the rubble of the faded battle ground. "Well, what are you doing now?"

I sighed and rubbed a hand through my hair. "I need to find all my friends..."

She thrust a hand in the air childishly. "I'll help!" She called cheerfully. She lowered the hood and started to walk off. Her hair was long and black. But part of it was red, whether died or somehow natural, I couldn't tell. It covered the left side of her face. Her face itself was thin. When she turned, I saw something blue and glowing, webbed over the skin. She wore some kind of collar.

I shrugged, just grateful for company. As strange as the company may be. And so we began searching for the rest of the Avening Angels.

Hey Everybody! Thanks to all of you for reading! This chapter is a tad shorter than planned seeing as how I...*cough* wrote it at like...10 at night. *cough*
ANYWAY if you want to read the full second war for Sector V, go read @EpicMalik 's Fusionfall: Dawn of a Fusion. It's a great book. Thanks Malik for the occasional collab on these!!

Till next time friends!

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