Chapter Two: Apocalypse

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Alright, Where was I...

Ah, right. Everything changed, substitute, yada yada yada.

Okay, so we all were taking the test, pencils scratching and tapping. Of course Wallabee Beetles was growling and throwing pencils into the ceiling instead. As I stood up to walk over and place my finished test into the basket on the teacher's desk, yells and alarms sounded from outside. Everyone stopped and looked towards the windows. A high-pitched whistle reached our ears from far away. I looked up, and the sound got louder and louder. Screams drifted up to us and horn honks. People started flocking at the windows. I started to follow when a massive crash exploded in our ears and everyone standing fell.

I shook my head and rose up to a crouch. And entire section of the school had been crushed by a huge meteor. There was nothing but silence for a minute.

Then the wails and screams began.

Students, teachers, strangers looking on from outside began to shriek. Some shouted loved ones' names through tears and gritted teeth. Some ran out of their rooms and rushed as far away from the gaping hole as possible. Many broke down right where the stood and did nothing but stare at the remains of the school, tears flooding down their cheeks and staining their clothes.

A few were foolish enough to try to climb down to the massive rock. They fell, and broke limbs. But that was the least of their worries. The surface of the stone was covered in a thin layer of a green, sticky substance. After the teen's alarmed shouts and groans of pain, they began to scream. They screamed as smoke rose from around their clothes and skin. The green goo was burning their skin and literally melting them. People who still resided in the school rooms cried, vomited and retreated as far away as possible.

You could see the twitching limbs of people trapped under the meteor...Oh what a sight...a nightmare. I crouched down and immediately regurgitated what was left of my breakfast.

Ali! Blake! Daniel! Are they okay? I suddenly thought and a cold hand of panic gripped my heart. I stood up shakily, sweat rolling down my body and a few drops of vomit dripping from my chin. I brushed them away with my sleeve distractedly. I rushed through my mind the classes of my friends. The first place I ran to was my girlfriends' classroom.

It was in a far end, away from the meteor, thank god. I threw the door open and saw it was empty. I kicked the door closed, frustrated. I turned back the the crowd of people surrounding the hole in the building. A few people shifted and I saw the unmistakable short hair and height. My legs shaking, I walked as fast as I could. I lifted a hand to put on her shoulder when she whipped around and saw me. We both burst into tears and sank to the floor in each other's arms.

"I...I wasn't sure if..."

"Shh." I stopped her, tears running down my face. We sat there for a few minutes and then I sighed, wiping my face. Ali looked up at me. I stood and offered her a hand and helped her to her feet.

"Come on. We need to go find everyone else." I said, a new determination on my face. I would not let any of my friends die. I don't know how, but I knew this was only the beginning of more to come. Ali nodded and gripped my hand tightly as we walked quickly from room to room searching for our group of friends.

Soon we gathered everyone who was there.

Jackson. Chris. Hailey. Blake. Sherylann. Daniel. Luke. Ashton. Aiden. Rebecca. Jayven. David. Brandon begged us to let him come with us. I agreed to let him. No one else was in shock, crying, or absolutely silent, no sort of emotion on their faces. Reluctantly, I decided to take the reigns. I led our little troop down the smoking staircase, making sure everyone got down safely. We exited the school, making sure to avoid looking at the horrible death scene behind us and tried to block out the lamenting, to no avail.

KND S.C.A.M.P.E.R.s and flew overhead to pick up students and harbor them to safety. One landed beside us in a whirl of dust. It opened to present Nigel Uno, A.K.A., Numbuh One of Sector V.

"Hey, you guys need a ride?" He stepped aside to let us in.

I shook my head, not saying a word, and looked at the group. None of them responded, either.

"..." One looked at me from behind his shades. "Well...You know where to find an operative."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. All over the place." I said, and continued walking through the campus gates. I heard a "Tsk, tsk." And the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. revved up again and flew away, leaving us in clouds of dust.

The group walked until we reached the park in Pokey Oaks South. On the ridge, we looked out and saw destruction. Far in Sector V, the massive tree-house could be seen...floating?! There were smaller meteorites scattered in clearings, thankfully not on houses. More shouts echoed from the neighborhoods. I fell to my knees, the impact of everything hitting me, finally. I heard the groans of the others behind me as they collapsed.

"We...We need to rest. We walked all the way from the school..." Blake said. I looked over and saw everyone's haggard looks and tearful faces. We've been through a lot...and it's barely been an could this have happened...?

I looked up to the sky, saw it was graying and had adopted a greenish tint. And the planet looked down on us. I looked at that green sphere. And it looked at me. We commenced that silent communication of hate for each other we shared every day. And we came to unanimous conclusion, that planet and I. We agreed we would do our best to destroy one another. It destroyed so many lives, killed so many people, so quickly, and with so little effort. 

My eyes teared up again, and I stood. "Rest. Take a load off. Regroup. Whatever. I let you guys know when we need to move." I said, looking around at this group of friends, whose lives had so utterly been changed in the matter of minutes. I sat back down with a sigh. Close friends shifted off into pods together. I sat alone.

Ali noticed and wandered over to my side.


I shrugged and put a hand to my face. I was crying. Again. I sighed and simply let the tears flow. Ali put a hand on my shoulder.

"How...why did this happen?" I asked. "Who? Why?!" I sighed and rested my head against folded arms.

Ali seemed to have no answer. After a little while of silence, and it was clear I was going to say no more, she stood and walked away.

I heard sniffles, coughs, and whispered conversations between the people in our company. Leave them be, Ben. Let them rest. They need it. They need to regain their resolve and some nerves. We'll continue in a couple hours.

I looked to the sky and saw green lights rain from above once more. I closed my eyes and breathed in...

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