Chapter Thirteen: Preparations of War

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I awoke and slid off the bed. Literally just rolled off. My face lay on the cold, hard wooden floor, arms splayed to the sides. I laughed at myself and stood up. I headed out the door and stopped. The room beyond was perfectly round. Along the sides were consoles and computers and 2x4 technology everywhere. In the center was a holographic column, presenting a diagnostic of Don Doom. There was a rounded restaurant bench in the floor, around the display. There sat Numbuhs Two through . A wooden stand stood opposite them, and behind it stood the famous Numbuh One.

"Haha, awake from our nap, are we?" Numbuh One asked.

Numbuh Four jumped out of the hollow in the floor and ran over to me. "That was awesome how you killed that thing!" He exclaimed. "You gave it pow," He swung in the air with his fist. "And a wham!" He kicked the air. I smiled, embarrassed. "And then you just-"

"That's enough Four." Five said, standing. "Numbuh Five's impressed though." She tapped her hat in my direction. I shifted my feet and looked down. "Well...thanks guys. I really ought to be going..." One nodded. "Before you go..." He reached under the stand and pulled out a large sword, styled like a fountain pen. "Take this Signature Sword. I think you're strong enough for an upgrade." He grinned and tossed it at me, the sheath's straps fluttering. I caught it, and pulled it out. It was beautifully designed, perfectly balanced. I gave it a swing, and twirled it in circles. I nodded and re-sheathed it. I replaced my Lightening Sword with it, placing the energized weapon on a nearby table.

"Thanks." I said, nodding and smiling.

One elevator ride later, I was outside on the floating island. I blinked and squinted in the bright light. I heard whispers, and then clamoring. I shook my head and pushed my way through the crowd of teenagers. I heard a shout. The voice was familiar. I stumbled against the throng of bodies towards the sound and tripped, falling into rough arms. I looked up and Saw Niko's face smiling at me. "Hey man." He said, putting me back on my feet.

I grinned back, brushing myself off. "How've you guys been while I was out?" I asked, looking around. With Niko was Marcus, Jackson, and Brandon. "And what are you guys doing here?"

"We were looking at the wares here." Brandon said.

"And hoping you'd finally come out." Jackson added, punching me in the shoulder. I flinched. "Ow."

"Oh come on!" He laughed.

"I'm still a little sore..."

"Mm..." Jackson said, not fully believing me.

"Can't wait to show you our base!" Marcus exclaimed, jumping up and down. I noticed the Caliente Bomb in his hand.

"Be careful..." I said, pointing at the explosive. He looked down and laughed.

"Don't worry." He laughed. "I've only accidentally blown up a couple buildings."

"Only a couple?!" I shouted at him. "That's not good!"

Niko grabbed me by the shoulders. "Settle down man. It's alright. No one was in them, and he's gotten better." He let go of me. "You have missed a lot though." I felt that feeling I always get when I miss something, a kind of burning anger at myself. I shook my head and sighed.

"Where are we going then?" I asked. Multiple thoughts struck me. "Have you guys been training? Has anyone else die? Who took charge? What's been going on?" I couldn't stop the flood of questions bubbling from my mouth.

"Woah, woah, woah." Jackson said. "Let's head to our base of operations, and you'll see. I didn't like not knowing. "Fine, but tell me on the way."

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