Chapter Eighteen: Red Lies

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"Ow!" I exclaimed, hitting my tailbone as I fell. I heard quiet clamoring behind me.

"You okay?"

"What happened?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said. "I just slipped." I slowly got to my feet and took another step. I breathed heavily as the darkness of the tunnel pushed in on me. The NanoCom lights weren't very bright, only illuminating a few feet in front of the group. Occasionally, a strange Fusion plant would emerge, glowing brightly and casting an eerie green light on us all.

Suddenly, I stepped and Felt open air, the darkness brightening. We found ourselves in a large open space, walls of the same strange rock, dirt...element? Anyway, we stood in a large basin, walls rising up high above us, far too high to climb. Strange plant-like organisms of Fusion Matter grew along the walls and ground.

We cautiously traveled forward. At the other end was a narrow pass. Beyond it was a long hallway of sorts. Fusion monsters crawled everywhere, various Suburbian varieties, including some new ones; Caterplugs, large armored caterpillar-like things with massive electrical plugs for tail ends and wires protruding form their fronts that acted as feelers. Ultramagno Beetles, large beetles made of hardened wood and stone, a giant magnet raising from their heads like horns. Soulos, creepy little buggers, looking almost like clowns. They toted large bombs dubbed Soulo Shells.

We slowly made our way through the hallway, dispatching the creatures as we went. Kitsu remained by Fujin and protected him. He displayed a terrible strength with that massive scythe of his. It was really impressive.

The hall split into many, making a labyrinth of corridors. Each one had patrolling monsters. I left it up to a vote. We ended up going left. Down the way we fought. Halfway through we took a break.

"This is insane." Aiden commented, wiping sweat from his forehead and leaning against his giant mace.

Brandon groaned from the ground. He was sprawled out, breathing heavily. We were all sweaty and covered in Fusion remains. I looked over at Ali, who sat on a rock and leaning against the wall, her Bamboom rocket launcher resting against her leg. Kitsu seemed to be in good spirits however. He laughed with his little brother, spinning his scythe effortlessly. I overheard a conversation they discussed quietly, on accident.

"How come you haven't used your powers big bro?" Fujin asked.

"Sssh!" Kitsu silenced him and glanced around. I looked away quickly. "I can't use them in front of these guys. I don't know how they'll react. Plus, I gotta keep it a secret in case...I dunno. Maybe they'll turn on us."

"Mm..." Fujin looked a little disappointed, looking down with a frown on his face. I slowly inched away, nearly tripping over Alexis.

"Whoops! Sorry Alex." I said, chuckling. She looked up at me and shrugged in her usual quiet way. I shuffled my feet and glanced around, and then looked back. "So...what's up?" I asked, then laughed at how stupid that sounded.

"I'm alright." She said. "This is still all just so...scary."

I nodded, letting my face fall gaunt. "It's overwhelming...I know how you feel."

"I've been doing nothing but hanging back this whole time..." She said quietly. "Even when Don Doom appeared...I did nothing but try to shoot him from far away with this little pistol..." She raised her Custard Blaster, looking crestfallen.

"Hey, that's okay." I said, trying to encourage her. "It's fine if all you're comfortable with is supporting. Any little bit counts. And after a while, you'll get stronger and stronger. That sound good?"

Alex looked up at me and grinned. "Yeah." I nodded and smiled, then turned around and continued talking with the rest of the group. Of course, Chris was bouncing on his heels, enveloped in the environment. Once everyone was rested and had eaten a little, I spurred them onward. Soon after leaving, though, we walked into another wide open space. Around the edge grew massive Fusion plants and directly opposite us was the next passage. But in between us was...

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