Chapter Fifteen: King Eddy

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Jayven and Blake burst into laughter.

"What?" I asked defensively.

Jayven wiped a tear from his eye. "I...I totally forgot about that." He gasped, doubling over. "Oh man, that's hilarious." I shook my head, exasperated.

"I didn't even get to properly meet any of the heroes in there! I thought I saw Wilt..." I said, turning and folding my arms across my chest.

"Oh man...alright..." Blake gasped. "I'll take you in again." I turned back and glared at the three still-giggling stooges.

"I'll take Rebecca and this trailer back to the base." Jayven said, hiccuping and smiling in mirth. Rebecca laughed and leaped into the crane's driver's seat. "I call dibs!" She called. Jayven's smile faded and he smirked, looking away. "Fine...Shotgun."

Blake and I walked through the massive gates be an appropriate word for the massive boards? We walked through the front regardless. A tall man stepped forward in front of me. His whole body seemed to be a shadowy black, the outline even wavering a little bit. It glowed just barely, faintly, yellow. His eyes were drawn down in permanent anger, also pulsing deep yellow. His hair was drawn up in a pompadour, his shadowy form wearing a full business suit, and he toted a pipe in his mouth, puffing smoke every few moments.

He glared at me, saying in an almost nasally voice, "All these children...running about the ANNOYS ME!" He roared and flames began licking his body.

I took a step back as he started venting. "And my housing development is suffering. Why doesn't anyone help ME HUH?" The flames grew bigger. Blake grabbed my sleeve and steered me away.

"Don't pay any attention to Father." He said to me. "He's just loud and annoying; his bark being much worse than his bite, although that can be pretty bad if you get on the wrong end of it."

I chuckled, and began looking back up and down the street. I saw the vendors once more in house driveways and on sidewalks. I saw some teenagers duck into a S.C.A.M.P.E.R., which slowly rose, and then shot off into the sky. Some of Mojo Jojo's monkey lackeys wearing jetpacks would also give people rides, grabbing their arms and rising into the air. "Monkey Skyway Agents." Blake commented. "Don't get into trouble, he smirked and then walked off towards a weapons merchant.

I saw a cardboard sign nearby that said, "Wership King Eddy." An arrow pointed to the left, and below: "Cul-de-Sac." Looking over, I saw a long red carpet leading up to the throne on which quote-unquote 'king' Eddy sat, looking bored. The whole thing was a large platform of, you guessed it, more imaginary energized cardboard. On top was a very nice, old recliner chair with red velvet. Eddy sat on it, on leg on the other, head resting on his fist, looking bored. I slowly approached. I noticed Edd standing to the left of the platform, adjusting his extremely long black beanie hat every now and then.

Wilt, an Imaginary Friend from Foster's Home, the adoption home for abandoned Friends, stood off to the right. Occasionally, he would comment, "Sorry!" To someone who didn't see him and nearly ran into his 7-foot tall spindly red legs. They ended at the bottom in enormous sports sneakers. He had a small round body, a blue 1 printed in the red fur. His left arm ended in a short stub, thick stitches in it. His right was also ridiculously long, reaching down below his knees. His head was a bit strange (although all of him was), large whiskers growing to the sides, and one long-stalked eyeball crooked and hanging limply. Despite the old wounds, his large smile never faltered.

I walked down the long carpet. As I approached the 'throne', Eddy jumped up. "Hey hey hey! You comin' to worship your king?" He leered at me, grinning that stupid grin of his.

"Bugger off Eddy." I said, eyes half-closed in annoyance, eyebrow perked. "I'm not in the mood right now."

He laughed. "Ben! Buddy! I've seen you around, helped you in...erm..."

Edd leaned in. "Say you helped with his chores." He tried to whisper, but was too loud. Despite his somewhat, very slight brilliance, he could seem like a real dunderhead. I shook my head. "No you didn't. You tried to scam my money. Like usual."

Eddy feigned a hurt look. "I'm hurt you would suggest such a thing!" I glared at him. "Cut the crap."

Eddy sighed. "Fine. What do you want?"

"Nothing really...just looking around." I said, turning my head about. The two Eds stared at me. I glanced back, raising an eyebrow. I heard the squeak of sneakers as Wilt took a step over (Literally just one step. I swear, that guys' legs are so long,). He placed a massive red hand on Eddy's chest and scooted him away from me. "C'mon guys...don't fight." His smile was infectious, and I cooled down, a smirk growing on my own face.

"Whatever. See you guys later." I turned, waving a hand over my shoulder.

"Wait a minute...weren't you here with..." Eddy started. I walked away too quickly to hear the rest of what he was going to say.

I was walking back down the street when another kid ran right into me, knocking down both of us. I stood up and hurried over to help him up. As he stood up, I looked him up and down. He wore a grey t-shirt. A long black scarf was wrapped about his chest and neck tightly, a hood emerging from somewhere. A sash was thrown over his shoulder and it hung down around his waist, attached to itself by a gold buckle. His right arm toted a long brown glove that reached his elbow, his left had a similar glove, but it was much shorter, with three wristbands wrapping about his wrist. He wore padded pants and black combat boots. On his back was a massive scythe, the steel blued and beautiful.

When I offered my hand, the kid took it, pulling himself up. His hand was freezing, sending chills up my arm and back. He looked about my age. His red-brown hair was cut short and spiky. His bright cyan eyes shone, threatening tears.

"My name's Kitsu," he said, voice wavering. "I need help. No one will help me. My little brother...I..." I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey." I looked into his eyes. "I'll help you." He looked me up and down, somewhat skeptical. "I know you don't know me, and I don't look like much," I chuckled a little, "But I have a bunch of friends. We'll help you, alright?" Kitsu nodded and wiped a single teardrop from his cheek. I patted his shoulder and started down the street at a quick pace, Kitsu in tow. "Blake, c'mon!" I called as we passed him.

"There's something we gotta do."

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