5 | Telmarines

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"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" Peter began.

"That's crazy no one has EVER taken that castle" Caspian responded.

"Theres always a first time" Peter replied with a shrug.

"We'll have the element of surprise" a man responded.

"We have the advantage here" Caspian responded quickly.

"If we dig in we could probably hold them off indefinitely" Susan added.

"But what if they tear this place down too" I responded, stepping off the table and walking up to Peter, facing Caspian and Susan.

"I, for one, feel safer underground" Badger jumped in and I laughed slightly causing Peter's frown to go to a small smile.

"Look i appreciate what you've done here" Peter said to Caspian. "But this isnt a fortress. It's a tomb."

"Yes" Edmund replied. "If they are smart they'll just wait and starve us out."

"Good point" I muttered and Peter frowned at me.

"Sorry" I whispered with a small shrug.

"We could collect nuts" a squirrel replied trying to be helpful as Peter and I held in laughs.

"Yes and throw them at the Telmarines" Mouse said sarcastically with a roll of his beady eyes. "Shut up. I think you know where I stand sir" he finished, looking to Peter.

Peter walked towards a Centaur as i stood in place and watched.

"If you get your troops in can you handle the guards?" Peter asked the tall man.

"I'll die trying my leis" the centaur said, bowing his head and I frowned. I was sick of people dying.

"Thats what I'm worried about" Lucy said softly and i propped myself up beside her.

"Sorry?" Peter questioned with a wrinkle of his brows.

"We're all acting like theres only two options" she began. "Dying here, or dying there."

"Yeah and I dont know if I'm alone in this but I'm tired of people dying cause of wrong decisions" I added. Peter took a breath looking to Lucy.

"You should've really been listening Lu" Peter replied.

"No you're not listening" Lucy said more sternly causing my mouth to open a little and smile. "Have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch Peter?"

"I think we voted for Aslan long enough" Peter responded. My face fell to a frown and my head softly dropped. Everyone was losing hope, but I couldn't.


I was held in the birds tight grip as we flew over the telmarines castle taking out gaurds. The bird flew me past one gaurd and I loaded an arrow shooting him swiftly as we went back up in the air. We reached a hall and the bird gently released me as I tucked and rolled standing quickly lifting my bow. Peter landed along with Susan and Caspian as well. Peter pushed me behind him a bit and I sighed.

"Peter I can protect mys-" I began in a whisper but he stopped me.

"I know you can but it makes me feel better knowing you'd have and chance to get out of something went wrong" he whispered in reply, kissing my forehead and turning as I looked to Susan. She smiled softly.

We reached the ledge to the room we needed to get in and Caspian tied a rope at the top securely, sliding down to the room. Peter slid down next and then I positioned myself sliding down. I reached the end stumbling a bit backwards before Peter caught me pulling me up in his arms. I turned to his face and it was inches from mine. I stared into his ocean blue eyes and smiled before we were snapped out. Caspian called us in the room, Peter grabbed my hand helping me in. I believe it was caspians tutors room.

"We have to find him" Caspian said.

"We dont have time" Peter replied frowning. "You need to get the gate open."

"You wouldnt even be here without him" Caspian announced. "And neither would I."

"You and I can deal with that" Susan said looking to Peter.

"And I can still get to the gate in time" Caspian added.

Caspian exited the room and the small man followed him. Peter interlaced his fingers with mine and Susan looked at us.


"Put the sword down Caspian" I heard a woman say. "I dont want to do this."

"We dont want you to either" Susan said busting in with her bow pointed. My bow was thrown over my back so I brought out my daggers readying them.

'What are you doing?" Peter asked Caspian. "You're supposed to be in the gate house."

"No" Caspian said. "Tonight for once, i want the truth. Did you kill my father?"

"Now we get it" the man said.

"I thought you said your brother died in his sleep?" the woman asked, her face falling in confusion.

"That was more or less true" the man replied with an evil smirk.

"Caspian! This wont make things any better" Susan began.

"How could you?" the woman asked as her crossbow lowered.

"For the same reason you would pull the trigger" he said to her. "For our son!"

He moved towards Caspian and the woman rose her bow at Caspian once more.

"Stop there" Susan said sternly pointing her bow to the man.

"You need to make a choice" he said. "You want our child to be king or be like Caspian here?"

The woman shot an arrow, grazing Caspian in the shoulder. The man and woman ran from the room and I grabbed Peters hand as a bell soon began ringing. Caspian ran ahead as we all followed behind, Peter pulling me along. Caspian turned and Peter pulled me forward. I slammed my heels into the ground, stopping and pulling him back. He sighed as he turned to me.

"Our troops are just outside come on" he commanded. I looked back before he pulled me along. This turned so wrong.

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