7 | My King

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Peter and Caspian stormed forward angrily as I followed beside Susan. Everyone left followed us solemnly. Lucy exited the tomb and stopped, looking confused between her brother and the brunette boy.

"What happened?" she asked softly.

"Ask him" Peter snapped sternly looking to Caspian.

"Peter" Susan snapped, scolding him.

"Me?" Caspian questioned defensively. "You could've called it off there was still time."

"No there wasn't thanks to you" Peter replied, anger lacing every word. "If you stuck to the plan the soldiers would probably still be alive."

"And if you stayed here like I suggested they definitely would be" Caspian shouted back.

"You called us, remember?" Peter questioned. His face contorted to annoyance and disgust.

"My first mistake" Caspian stated.

"No" I replied, anger now lacing my words as well.

Peter walked off towards the tomb as Caspian turned angrily towards me.

"HEY" caspian shouted sternly towards Peter. Peter turned quickly to the boy. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"You invaded Narnia" I snapped back, anger now boiling through my blood.

"You couldn't even keep the people safe. Not much of a queen" the boy said to me. I stepped back, a look of hurt flashing through my eyes. 

"I'm aware, thanks for reminding me" I said biting back tears but doing horribly as some spilled out.

"Do NOT talk to her like that" Peter shouted back, his anger becoming more prominent as he approached him. "You have no more rights than the rest of us!"

Caspian pushed him away storming forward.

"You, him, your father" Peter shouted as Caspian stopped. "Narnia's better off without a lot of you."

They both drew swords letting out yells and I winced.

"STOP IT" Edmund shouted. He put down the small man that had helped them since they got here and Lucy ran forward with the liquid father Christmas had once gave her, to heal any injury. I grabbed Peters hand as Caspian stormed off. I pulled the blonde into the tombs and down the hall to stone table.

"Cool off" I said softly as we stood beside the broken stone. He took a deep breath pacing. "Peter please."

"I'm sorry" he said sharply. "I'm a bad king aren't I?"

"No, no Peter" I said. "You did better than I have done."

"But you were alone you couldn't do it alone, nobody could, but I cant even with help. I cant help anyone, I have a horrible temper, I cant make good decisions I-" he rambled before I stepped forward, crashing my lips into his. He tensed up but his arms snaked around my waist as he leaned into the kiss. My arms ended up around his neck as we kissed, something I had longed for since he left. He smiled into it and we broke apart. I looked into his eyes and smiled as my heart fluttered.

"I love you, King Peter" I said softly pecking him and laying my head on his shoulder as we rocked back and forth like we were dancing with no music.

"I love you too" he said kissing the top of my head. Suddenly in the midst of all this war, I felt peace for the first time in years.

Little Queen {Peter Pevensie}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora