Goody Two Shoes

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Chapter 3
(The next day )
Rachels pov:
I sat in Finns room watching him while doing my charts. When he said,

"So what are you a goody two shoes?" He asked me.

"Excuse you?" I asked him .

"Oh come on I saw Yang and you yesterday, you're basically puddy in her hands." He told me.

I rolled my eyes and said,

"You know nothing about me." I told him.

"Okay , why are are you a doctor?" He asked me.

"That is not a topic to discuss." I said.

"Really , because you are my doctor and I be nervous to know you don't like it." He said.

I sighed and gave in,

"My mom was a doctor. My mom was a great doctor and she got me to fall in love with medicine." I told him.

"Wow you are a good two shoes." He said.

"Shutup." I said and went back to my charts

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