I Can't Like You

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Chapter 10
Rachels pov:
I sat in the room above waiting for Finns operation to be done. I felt so stupid yelling at Dr.Yang like that. What was I thinking? He's my patient, I can't like him like that. I walked out of the observation room and into the hallway . After I got back from checking on other patients I walked out to see Quinn.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, I thought you were on Yangs surgery today." She said.

"I was until I blew up at Yang." I said.

"Yeah I heard, did you hear we lost two patients today." She said.

"Who?" I asked her.

"I have no idea." She said .

I looked down worried and then said ,

"Just keep me updated okay?" And left.

I walked into the waiting room to see Dr.Yang talking to Finns mom and Finns mom cried and gave Dr.Yang a hug. I immediately thought something bad happened. I ran into Finns room only to see Finn in his bed breathing. I  smiled and tears came down my face in relief.

"Hey goody." He said waking up.

I smiled and wiped my tears.

"Were you crying?" He asked me.

"What? No." I said lying.

"Oh well tell how am I doing?" He asked me.

I walked over and looked at his chart and said,

"You are going to fine for now." I said.

"Maybe now I can ask you out on date." He said smiling at me.

"Oh Finn thats sweet but I can't like you. You're a patient and it would be very inappropriate. " I said.

"Come on Rachel, just give me a chance?" He said.

"I'm sorry, I can't." I said and left.

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