If I Fall For You

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Chapter 14
(1 month later)
Rachel's pov:
It's been a month since I told Finn I couldn't be with him and since then I haven't been seeing him . I switched to Baileys service because I couldn't bare seeing Finn without trying to kiss him. I was doing charts when Quinn came out pissed from Finns room.

"You're boyfriends a dick." She said.

"What did he do? And he's not my boyfriend." I said.

"He won't take his meds and he's insulting all the nurses and doctors. He called me a blonde bimbo." She told me.

"It's just his humor." I said.

"Well he's got a dark sense of humor." She told me.

"Want be to do it?" I said.

"Go for it." She said and left.

I put my pen down and walked into Finns room. He looked pale and grumpy.

"So I heard you been scaring away the staff." I said.

"What do you care Goody? You quit on me remember?" He said to me hurt.

"I didn't quit on you." I said.

"You switch services . If that doesn't say something then what does?" He asked me.

I sat on the edge of his bed and said,

"You need to take your heart meds." I told him.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Because I want you to live. So that way when you do get a new heart you'll be able to take it." I said .

"You don't give a crap if I live or not." He said.

"Don't say that." I told him.

"Then why did you switch?" He asked me.

I looked down and said,

" When I was 23 I lost my husband, he was my first love and when he died I closed a part of myself off. " I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." He said.

"Finn, if I fall for you I don't wanna get my heart broken." I said.

"Rachel we don't get to choose if we get our heart broken. But we do get to choose who breaks it , and it would be an honor to get my heart broken by you." He said.

I leaned in and kissed him passionately.

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