Take A Chance On Me

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Chapter 11
(3 days later )
Rachels pov:
I really felt bad about what happened between Finn and I it's just I don't think it's a smart idea for me to get involved with him. In fact I know it isn't. I was on my way home as I walked by Finns room.

"Hey Goody." He said.

I looked at him and I knew I couldn't just ignore him so I walked in and said,

"Hey Mr . Hudson." I said.

"Really Mr.Hudson? What am I your teacher?" He asked me sarcastically.

"Finn , you know I can't date you ." I said.

"Hey I never said anything about dating me you did." He said smirking .

I looked down and smiled,

"What are you playing?" I asked him.

"Scrabble." He said.

"Oh my favorite." I said.

"Wanna play?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said and sat down.

"Okay ladies first." He said.

"Okay, heart." I said.

"Nice 25 points for Goodie."

"Okay your turn." I said.

"Okay, s.e.x. sex." He said smirking.

"Finn!" I said smiling and playfully hit him.

"Hey you said anything about dirty words." He joked and we laughed.

(That night)
I walked into the house to see Quinn waiting for me on the couch with coffee giving me that look.

"Hey you have no room to judge you're dating Puckerman." I said.

"Puck isn't a patient , Finn is." She said.

"Nothings going to happen okay." I said and went up stairs.

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