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Chapter 8
(2 days later)
Rachels pov:
It's been two days since I talked to Finn. I feel really bad about what I said, if only I had known his wife has died I wouldn't have joked about it. I was getting ready to leave when I walked past Finn.

"Hey Goody, heading out?" He asked me.

I walked in and said,


"It's been awhile since I saw you last what you don't wanna be around the dying man anymore?" He asked me.

"You're not going to die Finn, not on my watch." I said.

"You remind me of her , you know." He said.

"Of who?" I asked him .

"Sarah, my wife." He said.

"How so?" I asked him.

"She was sarcastic and sweet. She also never took any of my crap." He told me .

I smirked and said ,

"Well who would." I said and we laughed.

He looked at me and said,

"You have a pretty laugh."

I knew what he was trying to do but I blatantly dismissed it.

"I wanna apologize for what I said a couple days ago I didn't know." I said.

"Don't worry about it, I still like you." He said.

I looked down and smiled,

"Still reading Catcher ?" I asked him .

"Yeah it's one of my favorites." He told me.

"Mine too." I said.

"Really you've read it?" He asked me.

"Only a couple times . I've always liked it." I said.

"What other books do you like?" He asked me.

"I like romance books , mystery books, murder books." I said.

"Let me guess big John Green fan?" He asked me.

"Some, I've always like Jane Austin though, and sometimes I'll read the dictionary for fun." I said .

"Wow you're a hoot!" He said sarcastically.

"Oh really what books do you read other than Catcher ?" I asked him.

"Mary Poppins." He joked and we laughed.

"Seriously what else do you do?" I asked him.

"I like movies and music." He said.

"Oh really whats your favorite type?" I asked him.

"I'm a big 80s fan , I'm a big Journey fan, what about you? Do you like pop or some shit like that?" He said.

"Actually I'm very into broadway. I grew up listening to Barbra and Judy Garland, I was always a sucker for Broadway . " I said.

"Even though your mother was a doctor?" He said.

"My mother and I have always been different." I said.

"Mommy and Daddy issues?" He asked me smirking.

"My mom was a great surgeon,  I could never live up to her." I said.

"I don't know you're doing a pretty good job if you ask me. You did save my life after all." He said.

I yawned and said,

"Yeah I did, but in my defense didn't really have a choice." I joked.

"Ohhhh, looks like you got a back bone Goody." He said joking.

"Haha, very funny." I said.

We laughed and then I said,

"Do you miss her, Sarah?" I asked him.

He looked at me seriously and said,

"Yeah, she was one of a kind. I loved her since highschool." He told me.

I sat down and said,

"I lost my husband , George when I was 23 , he died in a car accident." I said.

"Really?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that Goody." He said.

"Yeah. I should probably go, it's getting late and I told Dr.Fabray I meet her for drinks." I said.

"Well you have fun and hey try an get laid you look as if you could use it." He said.

I laughed and said,

"Goodnight Finn." I said and left.

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