Denials A Bitch

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Chapter 6
(The next day)
Rachels pov:
I walked into the residents lounge and sat down next to Quinn.

"Hey I heard you saved a patients life by yourself." She said.

"Yeah, Yang was totally pissed off , she wanted to kick me off the case." I said.

"Ugh don't even get me started, last week she wanted me to do all of this scut work. She's been such a bitch ever since Dr. Hunt and her broke up." She told me.

"She may be a bitch but she's a Cardio god." I said.

"So tell me about this patient , whats going on with them?" She asked me.

"He has congestive heart failure which is quite suprising because ever since I meant him he doesn't seem to have a heart." I said.

"How old is he?" She asked me.

"28." I said.

"Is he cute?" She asked me.

"Quinn! No , of course not he's my patient. I mean he is kind of handsome amd he has this smirk that's actually pretty charming." I said.

"Ohh Rachels gotta crush." She teased .

"I do not.  He's a patient and an asshole too. Plus, it would be against every rule for me to like him and Yang would murder me." I said.

"Denials a bitch you know." She said.

I rolled my eyes when suddenly my pager went off.

"He's awake." I said and left.

(Finns room)
I walked into Finns room to see him reading a book .

"Whatcha reading?" I asked him.

"Oh hey whats up Doc?" He asked me .

"You seem joyful." I said.

"Ah , well, when you have a heart attack things seem different." He told me.

"Speaking of which , how are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Like a person who just had a heart attack." He told me.

I smiled slightly and said,

"So I'm just going to check your heart rate and then Dr.Yang will come in to update you." I said putting on my stethoscope.

I listen to his heart and then took it off.

"Okay Dr.Yang will be in soon."  I told him.

I was about to leave when he said,

"Hey Goody Two Shoes?" He said.

I rolled my eyes and turned around,

"Yes Mr.Know It All?" I asked him.

"Thanks for saving my life." He said.

I smiled and said,

"You're welcome." I said and left.

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