I Saved Him

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Chapter 5
Rachels pov:
"You could've killed the patient Berry!" Yang yelled at me.

"But I didn't I saved him!" I said.

"You should've waited for me!" She yelled.

"I did, I paged you 5 times and you weren't there. He was under cardiac arrest and I had to save him or else he would've died."  I said.

"And what if the shock killed him anyway he would've died and it would've been on my head and yours." She said.

"But he didn't die! I am underoath Dr.Yang to save patients lives that is my job , that is why I'm here and I did save a life today." I said.

"I want you off my service!" She said.

"Woah, whats going on here Yang , Berry?" Dr.Sheppard asked.

"This idiot almost got my ass in trouble...."

"I saved a patients life while she was taking her sweet old time getting here and..."

"Woah, woah , woah. Yang ,Berry, one at a time." He said.

"My patient has to have a heart transplant and this moron shocked him while he was having a heart attack without my permission."
She told Sheppard.

"Dr.Berry is this true?" He asked me.

"Yes ,but I gave him a dose of epi first , and I paged Dr.Yang five times and she still didn't answer. His heart rate was dropping dramatically and I wasn't going to just wait and let him die till she got there. I did my job and I followed procedure." I said.

"Is the patient stable?" He asked Yang.

"Yes." She said .

"Than I don't see any reason why Dr.Berry should be off your service. She did her job and did it right. If you had been there then you could've helped her." He said and walked away.

I looked at Yang and she rolled her eyes,

"What are you looking at? Go check on the patient." She said and stormed off.

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