Forever and Ever

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Chapter 23
(3 months later )
Finns pov:
5 seconds , that's all it takes . To fall in love , to be happy again , to find you person . Well at least for me it was .
(Earlier that day )
I woke up this morning to look at my beautiful wife Rachel , who was only 4 months pregnant with our baby . She opened her beautiful eyes and said ,

"Good morning handsome."

"Good morning beautiful." I said back, "good morning baby." I said to her stomach and kissed her belly and her.

"I'll meet you later for the ultrasound to find the sex of the baby." She said .

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I told her .

"3:00 don't be late." She said and we got up to get ready for work .

I had just got done work and was on my way to the hospital when I stopped to get some flowers across the street . I walked over and picked out Rachel's favorite flowers , Daisies . I paid for them and then I was half way across the street when suddenly I felt a pain in my chest and everything went black.

Rachel's pov :
It was 2:55 and I was waiting for Finn at the O.B.G.Y.N 's office .

"Are we ready to begin Rachel?" The doctor asked me .

"Not yet Felicity, I'm just waiting on Finn ." I said .

"Take your time." She said and left the room.

I grabbed my phone and decided to call him to see where he was .

"Hi this is Finn Hudson please leave a message after the beep." His voicemail said.

"Hey Finny, it's almost 3 where are you? Call me back." I said and hung up.

"Calling Dr.Berry down to the pit , Calling Dr.Berry down to the pit ." The speaker said .

"Leaving so soon." Felicity said .

"Yeah duty calls." I said and left .

(5 minutes later )
I came down to the pit to see Dr.Yang waiting for me.

"Yang what's wrong?" I asked her .

"Berry ,  I think you should sit down ." She told me .

"Why what's wrong I'm fine." I said .

"I know but it's , it's Finn." She told me.

Suddenly fear struck into my heart like a lighten bolt . I looked at her frozen and said ,

"What happened?" I said shaken.

"I really think you should sit." She told me .

"Just tell me what happened Cristina!" I demanded .

"Finn had a heart attack." She told me .

"How bad?" I asked her bracing myself.

She stayed silent ,

"How bad!" I asked her demandingly .

"It's bad, he's in the ICU." She told me .

"I need to see him." I said and went down to the ICU.

I got down to the ICU and looked for Finn until I found him . I walked in to see him hooked up to the ventilator asleep. I put my hand over my mouth in shock and cried . I took his and said ,

"Please wake up." I prayed "Please wake up " I said again.
(A few hours later )
He eyes opened and he looked at me and took my hand . I smiled and I kissed his and said ,

"I'm here now . It's okay Finn , I'm here ." I said .

He took off his mask and said ,

"What happened?"

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