A Wedding In Fiji

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Chapter 21
(4 days later )
Rachel's pov:
I was asleep in bed when Finn woke me up.

"Rachel, Rachel wake up." He said .

"What's wrong are you okay?" I asked him worried .

"Put on something beautiful I wanna take you somewhere ." He said .

"Where ?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise ." He told me.

I got up and got dress and Finn blind folded me and took my hand .

(5 minutes later )
"Where are we going?" I asked him .

"You'll see." He said and then suddenly we stopped ,"okay we're here." He said .

He took the blindfold off and we were on the beach and standing there was a man who looked like he was a priest  .

"What are we doing here?" I asked him .

"Rachel , I know we just got engaged but I don't wanna wait to make you my wife anymore . So what do you say ? Let tie the knot and make it official." Finn said .

I smiled and said ,

"Okay let's make it official." I said and the priest began .

"We are gathered here tonight to bring Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson in holy matrimony. Now as told by Mr. Hudson you two have your own vows so when your ready." He told us .

I looked at Finn and said ,

"I didn't prepare anything."

"Just say what's in your heart ." He told me .

I nodded and began ,

"Finn , before I met you I was alone . I had lost my husband and my work was all I had . Then you came into my life and at first I thought you were a complete ass but then I got to know you and I found out that you were sweet , and kind , and everything that I could ever want . You have taught me what it means to love again , to take chances , and to be brave , and for that I am so grateful.  I love you Finn and my vow to you is that no matter what happens I will always love you because we are endgame ."

He smiled and started ,

"When I first found out I needed a new heart I was okay with it because it had seemed as if my heart was already broken . Sarah , my wife , was dead and life just seemed pointless but then you stepped into my life and you made me want to live again . Rachel , you are the sweetest , funniest, loving person I have ever met . You have a heart of gold and you have done the one thing that I never thought I would feel again . You made me believe in love again , and every day that have been with you I have just been falling deeper and deeper in love with you. You make my world go round and my vow to you is that I will alway love you because you are my life, you are my person , and we are endgame ." He told me .

"May we have the rings ?" The priest asked Finn.

Finn took them out of his pocket and gave one to me.

"Rachel Berry, do you take Finn Hudson to be your loftily wedded husband? To have and to hold ? In sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live ?" The priest asked me .

I smiled and said ,

"I do."

"Do you Finn Hudson take Rachel Berry to your loftily wedded wife ? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health as long as you both shall live ?" He asked Finn.

Finn smiled and said ,

"I do."

"By the power vested in me and the island of Fiji, I know pronounce you husband and wife , you may kiss your bride." He told us.

Finn pulled me in and kissed me passionately and then picked up and carried me back to our room .

(The room )
We got to the hotel room suite and Finn carried me in and laid me down on the bed and kissed me passionately.

"Hey there tiger , calm down I don't want you to have a heart attack ." I joked .

"To bad my hearts already been stolen by you." He said and kissed me .

"I love you Mr. Hudson ." I said smiling .

"I love you too Mrs. Hudson." He said .

I smiled and said ,

"I like the sound of that , 'Mrs.Hudson' sounds right ." I said .

"Well that is your name , Mrs. Rachel Barbra Hudson , my wife ." He told me .

I smiled and said ,

"I'll be right back." I told him .

"Where ya going?" He asked me .

"It's a surprise." I said and went into the bathroom .

(Five minutes later )
I came out in a bathrobe and Finn and said ,

"Okay what's the surprise?" He asked me .

I untied my robe and took it off revealing my naked body.

"I like this surprise." He said smiling .

I chuckled and climbed onto the bed and said ,

"Try not to have heart attack okay?" I joked and kissed him .

"I love you Mrs. Hudson." He said holding me close .

"I love you too , Mr. Hudson ." And he turned out the light .

Hey guys so I wanna do a sequel but since this is going to be the end of Finchel what do you guys think of this next book being about Samchel? Let me know in the comments .


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