The Surgery

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Chapter 9
(3 months later )
Rachels pov:
It's been 3 months since I met Finn and we've gotten very close. Today Finn is getting his LVAD and hopefully after that his new heart. I walked into the room to prep Finn .

"Hey Goody." He said looking pale.

I smirked and said,

"Hey Finn, ready for your surgery?" I asked him.

"I guess so." He said.

"It's a simple procedure . I promise everything will be okay." I said.

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." He said.

I was about to say something when suddenly Dr.Yang walked in.

"Alright Berry it's time to take Mr.Hudson here to surgery." She said.

"Right, he's all prepped. Ready Finn?" I asked him smiling slightly.

"It's now or never." He said and we took him to the operating room.

I was scrubbing my hands when Yang came in and said,

"You know he's into right?" She said.

"He is not into me." I said.

"Oh please Berry , for the past 3 months you two have been inseparable." She told me.

I looked at her and said,

"Dr.Yang despite what you think Mr.Hudson and I strictly have a patient / doctor relationship nothing more , nothing less, and it is against policy to even date a patient." I told her.

"As long you understand that Berry everything will be okay." She said and we went into the operating room.

"Alright people lets do this." She said putting her mask on and we started.

We opened up the chest cavity and looked at Finns heart.

"Wow that is one bad heart." I said.

"It could be worse." She said.

"Think we can get him a new one?" I asked her.

"I don't know, hopefully." She said and we began to work.

(2 hours later)
We were 2 hours into doing the surgery when Dr.Yang said,

"You know Berry, I try not to get into other peoples business but it very obvious you like Mr.Hudson." She said.

"Dr.Yang we discussed this. I have no feelings for Mr.Hudson." I said.

"You know I know what it's like to lose the person you love. You have a bright future ahead of you don't let this get in the way." She told me.

"Nothing is in my way Yang! Just because you lost Hunt doesn't mean I'm anything like you!" I yelled frustrated.

"Get out of my OR." She said.

"What?" I said .

"Get out!" She yelled.

I put my tools done and left.

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