Meen Pov:

I really hated this feeling I always got after concerts or just shows in general.

It was such a weird feeling cause on the one hand I was really sad that the one thing I was looking forward to for such a long time is over now but on the other hand I was really happy I got to experience what I just did and got to see the people I love.

Now Aj, Clara and me were sitting on the floor inside the concert hall waiting for the time to go by so we could get outside and get picked up by their dad.

It made me so sad to watch all the lucky people with their green wristbands, wich you got if you have a m&g, stand in a line and waiting for their turn to see the twins, while we were sitting here not being able to meet them.

After what seemed like an eternity to me Aj finally said "Ok guys let's go outside cause my dad should arrive any minute now."

Clara both nodded our heads in agreement, stood up from the floor and started to walk to the exit.

With one last glance at all the lucky people with m&g bracelets we walked trough the door, the freezing cold night air hit us as soon as we stepped outside.

My whole body was shivering from the cold and  Aj & C's dad is not here yet so we had to stand here out in the cold and wait for him to arrive.

My eyes were glued to the street looking for their dad's big red car but my thoughts were somewhere else.

I was thinking about the show, about how happy Aj was when she caught Grayson's shirt, how I probably will never see them live again and about how lucky all the people with m&g tickets were.

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't even notice their dad arriving till Clara took my arm and just pulled me along which caused me to nearly fall over and stumble behind the across the street and into the car.

Now that my mind was back to reality I noticed just how hungry I was and that I was still shivering a bit.

So I could only agree when Clara said "Omg I don't know about you guys but I'm starving"

Aj on the other hand just mumbled a tired "I'm not hungry at all, I just want to go to bed now"

Even tho Clara shared a few sweets on the short ride back we were still starving when we arrived at the hostel.

As soon as we stepped out of the car Aj and her dad began walking to the entrance of the hostel pretty quickly, me and Clara trailing behind a bit and discussing what to do about our lil food problem.

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