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Aj Pov:

Meen and I both look at each other smirking before she askes me whispering "should we change or...?"

Since we were both wearing our 4ou hoodies and some balck addidas sweatpants I told her "Nah we're fine like this plus changing would cause a lot of noise which could wake up my dad"

"Yea ok you're right" she responded

We crawled out of the bed and down the ladder as silent as possible, grabbing our jackets and tiptoing out of  the door as silent as possible.

Walking down the hotel korridor and out of the main door still on our tiptoes trying not to make any noise.

As soon as we were outside feeling the fresh  cold air on our bodys we silently bursted out lauhing and Meen whispered "this is fucking insane but I love it" still giggling

The short walk to the now closed burgershop seemed to be even shorter than before with all the excitement and happiness rushing through me.

As soon as we arrived at the small shop I sent Gray a short text saying

A: we're at the shop now :)

G: gonna be there in like 2 mins...can't wait :)

Meen who probably read the messages over my shoulder suddenly squealed "omg he's flirting with you...that's so cute"

"Nah why would he be flirting with me" I said even tho the thought of Grayson liking me made my heart race

"He defnatelly likes you already I mean he literally replied right after you sent the text and he said he can't wait to see you" she said with grinning

Before I could reply to what she squealed "omg there they are" which caused me turn around looking in the direction the twins were coming from.

Not even a minute later I found myself in Grays arms him whispering a low slightly raspy "hey Aj" into my ear wich sent shivers down my spine.

And when i whispered a silent "hi Gray" back I could feel the same happening to him and it made me feel kinda proud.

When we broke the embrance I could see Meen and Ethan still standing there hugging each other tightly with their eyes closed.

They seperated from their hug only seconds later and now we were all just standing there doing nothing so I asked "what do you guys wanna do now?"

"How bout we just walk around for a bit and see what we can do?" Grayson suggested

To which I replied "Sounds good to me"

"E, Meen you in?" Gray asked the two who seemed to be in their own little world

"Yeah sure" they replied in unison even tho I'm pretty sure they had no idea what we were talking about

So we started walking around for a bit, me and Grayson ahead and Meen and Ethan a bit behind us talking and laughing about god knows what.

"Btw where is Clara?" Grayson suddenly asked

"Oh she's at the hostel she was already asleep when we left" i answerd

"Ah okay" Grayson replied "maybe it's for the best...she'd be kinda thirdwheeling anyways" he added laughing

After that we just talked about random stuff till I spotted a Mc Donalds not too far away and asked "Gray would you mind if we quickly go to the Mc Donalds over there I'm actually kinda hungry"

"Nah I'm always up for Mc Donalds" Grayson laughs "and I don't think the others would mind it either" he added glancing at Ethan and Meen over his shoulder.

Not even 2 minutes later we were standing at the counter ordering our food.

Since I was pretty hungry because I haven't eaten something proper all day just small snacks I ordered a Chickenburger with large fries and a milkshake while the others only got small stuff like icecream.

When all of our orders were done we sat down in a small booth me sitting next to Grayson and opposite of Meen who was sitting next to Ethan.

While I ate my Chickenburger I noticed Grayson who only ordered a milkshake stealing some of my fries wich caused me to glare at him playfully but laugh afterwards and push the fries a bit more in his direction so he could get them easier.

I normally don't share my food but Gray is an exeption.

When I looked over at Meen and Ethan I could see her sipping on his milkshake while he was eating her ice cream, wich caused me to chuckle slightly at their kinda couply behaviour. 

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