Aj Pov:

When we left the club later that night the twins were pretty drunk while me and Meen were only slightly tipsy.

Since the twins were more stumbling than walking me and Meen had both wrapped one of our arms around one of the twins each so they would just trip over and fall.

"Ugh Grayson can you please at least try and do some of the walking yourself you aren't exactly the lightest you know" I huffed struggling under the weight of the drunk boy

"Sowwy" Gray mumbled back taking a bit of weight off me but his tight grip on my shirt never leaving

"Meen please please please let us get some Pizza i'm soooooo hungry" I heard Ethan whining from behind me

"No Ethan we have to get back to the hotel we can't pizza no i'm sorry" Meen replied sounding like a mother talking to her little kid

"but it smelled so delicious and i'm starving..it won't even take that long" he tried it again

I had to admit it really had smelled amazing in front of the small pizza place we just passed

"E i'm sorry but we can't just leave Aj alone with Grayson just to..."

"oh get that boy his damn pizza already" I cut meen off

"Yaaaay we're getting pizza" E cheered looking like an 4 year old

"You sure you'll manage to get him home on your own" my best friend asked her voice laced with concern, Ethan already tugging on the sleeve of her jacked

"Yeah we'll be alright and now go get that lil kid a pizza before he starves" I mocked

"Okay okay" Meen chuckled causing Ethan to grab her hand with a huge grin on his face

I could see a faint blush rise to my best friends cheeks before Ethan ran off dragging her behind him to the small Pizza place leaving me alone with Grayson.

"ok we can do this" I huffed pulling Grayson a bit closer to me so he wouldn't fall over when we start walking again to which he just grumbled something incoherent his head on my shoulder

"hey hey hey don't fall asleep on me now" I said patting his waist lightly

"won't " he mumbled taking his head off my shoulder making a step forward which i quickly followed anf just like that we started our journey back to the hotel.

after about 10 minutes of walking we approached a little bench and Grayson decided it was time for a little break to which i happily agreed cause to be honest he was getting kinda heavy.

Only a few minutes later Grayson seemed to have gotten a bit more sober again cause when he started talking his words weren't as slurred anymore they almost seemed to be clear again.

"hey Gray do you think we can continue our way back to the hotel now or do you need a few more minutes?"

"I'm alright again so we can continue walking" he replied giving me a tired half smile

"good" i say getting up and helping him up right after. With his arm snaked around my waist and mine around his upper body we continue our little journey back to the hotel.

Since Grayson is now finally able to walk properly on his own we reach the hotel after only about 5 minutes, we awkwardly tiptoe through the foyer that's empty except for the receptionist giving us weird looks.

As soon as we reached the twins hotel room Grayson quickly swiped the key card, unlocking the door and before i knew what was happening he had grabbed my hand and pulled me inside with him.

This sudden movement caused me to somehow trip over my own feet and stumble right into Gray's arms.

"whoa" he chuckled his breath fanning over my face due to our closeness, just then he seemed to realize what position we were in. But instead of pushing me away like i thought he would he started leaning in till our lips were only millimeters apart.

I just stood there completely frozen silently praying that he'd kiss me and he did. When his plumb, soft lips touched mine i was brought back to reality and immediately stared kissing him back eagerly.

Grayson pulled back but just enough so our foreheads were now touching and whispered just loud enough for me to hear "Aj I have to tell you something really important that sober me wouldn't have the balls to admit" after taking a deep breath he continued "I really like you and would love to be more than just a friend to you"

Still trying to somehow process his words i just stared at him like a deer in the headlights, which he seemed to get completely wrong.

"I get that you don't feel the same way i just..." he rambled looking down at his feet looking like a kicked puppy till i cut him off by pressing my lips to his again

"I like you too" i whispered looking directly into his beautiful eyes

"wait really?" he sounded really surprised

"Yea and i'd love for us to be more than friends" I reassured him smiling brightly up at him

After kissing me one more time he asked "so can i take you out on a date tomorrow?" while taking my hand in his bigger one

"I'd love that" I replied pecking his lips one more time before we both changed into some comfier clothes before snuggling up on Grayson's bed.

And this night I fell asleep in the arms of the boy I've had a major crush on for the longest time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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