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Aj Pov:

The time till friday went by incredibly slow and it almost felt like an eternity till the final bell on friday rang signaling us that the schoolday was finally over and the weekend had begun.

But not only was I out of school for a few days now, I also get to see the twins again which I missed like hell especially Grayson seemed to never leave my mind.

I couldn't concentrate one bit the whole day in school because I was thinking about mine and the twins plan for today, luckily Meen believed me when I told her about picking my relatives up from the airport and agreed to come with me.

As soon as all my stuff was sqeezed into my bag messily I threw it over my shoulder rushing out of the classroom, down the hallway and out of the hellhole we call school as fast as I could.

When i walked out through the schools gate I could already see Meen standing there talking to a friend of hers, so her back was facing me, which gave me the perfect opportunity to scare her.

So I creeped up behind her hoping she wouldn't notice me which she luckily didn't and jumped onto her back causing her to let out a highpitched scream nearly tripping over  from the unexpected weight on her back.

After shrugging me of her back she turned around lightly boxing my shoulder while laughing "omg Aj you're such an idiot I hate you"

to which I just replied "I know you love me" causing Meen to roll her eyes still laughing lightly

"so are you ready to go or...?" I questioned to which she quickly agreed, hugging her friend goodbye following me to where my mum would pick us up.

I hope my mum won't take long to get here because I was freezing and I think Meen was too because she tried to snuggle into her hoodie even deeper so the cold wind wouldn't get to her and I did the exact same thing.

Luckily my mums car pulled up next to us only about 2 minutes later allowing us to finally get into it's comforting warmth.

Soon we arrived at my mum's flat where we just chilled for a bit till we had to leave and pick my relatives up from the airport, or at least that's what we told Meen and luckily she believed our lil white lie so our plan to surprise her was working out perfectly.

After we ate some noodles with pesto for Lunch we just chilled on Clara's bed rewatching some of our fav youtube videos till we had to leave for the airport. Hiding my excitement the wohle one and a half hour drive to the airport was the hardest thing ever but if I would have showed how ecstatic I was to get to the airport Meen would have noticed something was up.

So I just talked about the most random things the whole time so she wouldn't even have time to think about who we were picking up or get the stupid idea to text Ethan, but seeing her face when she spots him at the airport will be worth it.

When we arrived at the airport Meen and I got out of the car while my mum drove off again looking for a spot to park her car where she would wait for us to come back with the twins.

After walking around in the airport for a few minutes we finally found the right gate, where we took a look at the big board above our heads that listed up the flights and stuff. It said that we still had about 20 minutes left till their plan would land so we decided to grab something from the starbucks right next to the gate.

We both grabbed a muffin each and I got some hot chocolate while Meen got coffee, with our stuff in our hands we walked over to a small bench infornt of the gate so we wouldn't miss the twins.

When we were done with our food we looked at the departure and arrivals board again and it said that the plane already landed and that they were picking up their luggage rn, wich ment they should walk out of the doors right in front of us any minute now.

My heart was starting incredibly fast and i couldn't even listen to what Meen was saying cause I was just way to excited to see Grayson again.

Soon  people start walking of the doors again some of them greeting their families or whoever was wating for them others just walking off alone but the twins still were no where to be seen.

But then I finally spot them walking out of the doors, Grayson looking hella cuddly in sweatpants and his 4ou hoodie.

I jumped up from where I was sitting not taking my eyes of Gray suddenly hearing a gasp from Meen followed by a siltent "omfg" before I took off running towards Grayson, who immediately dropped his luggage so he could embrace me.

I don't know how long we were standing there in the middle of the airport just hugging each other but when I let go, I looked next to me just to see Ethan and Meen still tightly wrapped in each other's arms.

Only moments later they also broke their embrace and we decided it was time to finally leave the airport and head towards my mums car.

When Grayson picked his luggage up again he held it on one hand and took my hand in his other one entwining our fingers causing my heart the nearly jump out of my chest.

Gray fucking son was holding my hamd I can't believe it but I can't fangirl rn that would be hella weird so I stayed calm on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out.

He held my hand the entire walk to my mum's car where we sandly had to let go so she wouldn't notice us holding hands or otherwise I would have a whole lot of explaining to do and I didn't even know what was going on between us.

When we all stood next to my mum's car she got out so we could introduce the twins to her which I quickly did.

"Mum this is Grayson" I said pointing at Gray who was still standing next to me "and this is Ethan" I said pointing at E "Boys this is my mum Tina" I told them making a weird gesture in my mum's direction.

My mum quickly shook their hands saying "Nice to meet you boys" to which thy also said that's it's nice to meet her.

After that the twins just quickly put their luggage in the trunk and we all got in the car, I took the passenger seat while Meen sat in the back sqeezed between the twins.

We spend the whole ride back home talking about their flight and about how we planned the whole surprise thing out without Meen noticing.

One and a half hour later we finally arrived at the hotel the twins would stay at so the four of us got out of the car while my mum drove back home.

The check in luckily didn't take too long, so we were able to get into the twins room only a few minutes later.

As soon as we stepped into the room Grayson immediately dropped his luggage flinging himself onto the huge kingsized bed causing Meen and me to chuckle at his childisch behavior and Ethan to also dropp his stuff, run to the bed and jump ontop of his twin brother.

Groaning Grayson shoved Ethan off of him causing him to fall off the bed and onto the hard wooden floor while Meen and I just stood there laughing our asses off at their weirdness.

Only a few minutes later we were all lying on their bed watching tv and just talking about random stuff, none of us even thinking about putting the twins luggage away or something like that.

I personally could have stayed like this for hours just watching pointless tv shows but Ethan and Meen seemed to think differently about that cause they soon got bored and decided to go and explore the hotel for a bit, leaving me and Grayson alone in the hotel room.

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